Thursday, December 21, 2006

Winds of War: Imagine No Right or Wrong

Much has been said from the starboard side of the bloggesphere on the lack of awareness college students have about the reality of the world today – in particular, the Islamist threat. The liberal left has infiltrated the educational system in this country and has produced a generation of politically correct multiculturalists unable to think logically and rationally. The prime reason is that a liberal feels and a conservative thinks. So the primary response from a liberal is always an emotional one based on ‘feeling’ not logic.

Several days ago I had a chance to actually see the mechanisms of the modern college students’ mind as it wrestled with the contradictions between reality and multiculturalism. I had the usual discussion with her as the anti-Islamists bloggers and commentators do in expressing their opinion and she stood by her multicultural belief and saw me only as a bigot for condemning all Muslims for the actions of a few radicals. I tried to explain to her that the ‘few’ are many more than she thinks and, in my opinion, the vast number of Muslims in the world may not agree with the methods of the violent jihadists but do agree with their objectives. I gave her several examples of the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics used by the non-violent jihadists today in order to enlighten her to the threat to our civilization.

The depth of her misunderstanding, or blindness to reality, came when I tried to use an example of how moderate Muslims agree with the tenants and objectives of their belief system by their reaction to the Mohammed cartoon controversy. I thought for sure she would see this as a crystal clear example of how tens of thousands of moderate Muslims around the world rioted and killed over something as silly as a dozen cartoons.

Didn’t this prove that a very large number of Muslims can not, or will not, live in a 21st century dominated by free cultures? Her response was quit enlightening. She said people riot over silly things all the time. Drunken students sometime riot after football games at her college if their team loses. The behavior of the rioting students and the rioting Muslims were equivalent. They both were upset for whatever reason. And though she did not condone the rioting of either party, she understood their anger. Their reaction was equivalent.

When I asked her if the rioting students at her college burned down the opposing team’s stadium, demanded that the opposing college apologize for their win, the football coach fired and death threats put out on the opposing players, and that the rioting Muslims were demanding that free societies self-censor themselves and bury the concept of freedom of the press and free speech - she just walked away.

This incident only reinforced my belief that we will never convince the appeasers and apologist of the Islamist threat and even when it becomes crystal clear that they intend to kill even them, the majority will respond with self-preservation - but will not like it.


Read the rest at The Gathering Storm

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