Sunday, January 14, 2007

Haram Hospitals

LFG: Muslims Want Special Treatment from UK Health Service.

That's cute because we all know the big health issue with UK Muslims is the lack of gender apartheid in hospitals.

A small "health service" suggestion to Muslims in the UK: Stop marrying your cousins.

The practice remains so popular because the community believes there are real benefits to marrying in the family. Many British Pakistanis celebrate cousin marriage because it is thought to generate more stable relationships.

Right. You see, it's mostly the infidels who are missing out -- they'll never get to experience the joy and stability of having a grandson who is also their grandnephew.

In addition, the infidels also miss out on this special treatment from Allah:

British Pakistanis are 13 times more likely to have children with genetic disorders than the general population - they account for just over 3% of all births but have just under a third of all British children with such illnesses.

The reaction of the UK Muslim community?

According to Ann Cryer MP, whose Keighley constituency has a large Pakistani population, much of the Pakistani community is in denial about the problem.

There is a strong religious reason for this: the wretched Muhammad married his daughter, Fatima, to his cousin, Ali. To acknowledge the odiousness of such marriages would be to implicitly say that Muhammad was in the wrong.

Oh yes, the tentacles of Islam run deep.

The BBC asked for personal views on cousin marriages. A few gems:

  • "Provided that both cousins consent to marry, there is no harm." Javaid, Oldham
  • "If people still do not take this on board than at the end of the day it is the choice of the individual and who are we to judge? Yes, this is a great strain on the NHS but can also adversely affect actual lives as we saw in the film. But the same can be said for sexual promiscuity, so then should we start putting a ban on the number of partners people sleep with?" Sal, London
  • "Cousins are free to marry each other by Islamic law. It is patronising to be told now who one should and should not marry." Farzana, UK
  • "Islam has the solution to all the dilemmas of modern society if we actually look at the scriptures rather than the practices of the wayward colonised masses."
    Omar Ali, Jeddah/UK


Urban Infidel said...

I have a Palestinian friend who's grandparents were cousins, his parents were cousins and he married three of his own cousins and now has 11 children.

He said he doesn't understand why Americans think this is strange at all.

Anonymous said...

Quick question..

Urban Infidel you mentioned a palestinian married his cousins and this article is about the practices among pakastanis.

Is this a common practice across the Islamic world? do Algerians, Turks, Indonesians etc. also have inter-family relationships?

Maybe we can just wait out a war against Islam, eventually they'll all be so fucked up that they'll be deaf, blind and dumb!

Watcher said...

OK, the info in the post is bizarre, but what Urban_Infidel tells us here is beyond bizarre. Way beyond.

Anonymous said...

They're not only genetically f****d up (all those homozygous recessive genetic defects causing physical and especially mental deficiences) but socially screwed as well...

"Yet, Americans know so little about the Middle East that few of us are even aware of one of one of the building blocks of Arab Muslim cultures -- cousin marriage. Not surprisingly, we are almost utterly innocent of any understanding of how much the high degree of inbreeding in Iraq could interfere with our nation building ambitions......By fostering intense family loyalties and strong nepotistic urges, inbreeding makes the development of civil society more difficult."

from "Cousin Marriage Conundrum
The ancient practice discourages democratic nation-building"


Islamically induced incestuous insanity - that's why so many of them are psychopathic mass-murderers. Has anyone looked at the parentage of the 9/11 or 7/7 mohammoids? I wouldn't be at all surprised...

Anonymous said...

RoP's poses an interesting question. If there is one thing that irks believers - it the unfettered questioning of their immoral belief system - specially if the question humiliates on an individual level. Humility is their achilles heel.

How delicious a prospect to reveal the pedigree of each of the 19 whores (9/11) of mo! Classifying the degree of mental depravation based on degree of incest for Mo, his decendants, Amadinnerjacket, Oooozama (long dead), et al.

Anonymous said...

Importing cousins for 'family reunion' is big business in Britanistan:

"A very high proportion of the mothers come from Bangladesh and Pakistan, not speaking English when they arrive through arranged marriages ...many young Asian women who were brought to the Bradford district as wives were deliberately discouraged from learning English by their in-laws."


Notice how genetic and environmental factors are optimized to insure the right degree of idiocy for the death-cult to flourish in the next generation.

ziontruth said...

Cousin marriage is still allowed by Jewish law. But...

The lives of the Patriarchs don't make an inviolable law to keep. The Jew's example to imitate is G-d (and then the rabbis, but they themselves imitate G-d's example). For the Muslim, since their deity isn't an example to follow (in fact it's blasphemy to believe he is), there's no choice but imitate the life of Aishaboinker.

Urban Infidel said...


The weird part is that he wants me to be his 4th wife!