Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Media Bias against US, in favour of Islamists? Surely not...

Updated at bottom

Well they seem to be doing a pretty good job of it, as they have in Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, West Bank.. and today Somalia.


US Somali air strikes 'kill many'


'Boy killed'

Witnesses told the BBC Somali service that an area near the town of Afmadow was being bombed on Tuesday.

"My 4-year-old boy was killed in the strike," Mohamed Mahmud Burale told the AP news agency from the area.

Yet Islamists kill and maim pretty much indiscriminately, use civilians as shields and this is rarely mentioned at all. But this is the US after all, the real terrorists in all this.

On a related note, I have chanced upon a brilliant article; Africa: a key battleground in the global war on terror
"We must learn that a terrorist sanctuary anywhere endagers people everywhere"


The headline in this evenings The LondonPaper, if you squint you can see that by "Britons" they actually mean Al-Qaeda. Still great for whipping up anti-US sentiment, eh?


Anonymous said...

Coverage of the air strike on my radio station this morning made NO MENTION WHATEVER of the Al Qaeda targets, let alone confirmation that they were hit.

Pastorius said...

In my opinion, the bias is against Americans and Jews. Do you have any example where it isn't one of those two?

Jason Pappas said...

The media will continue to try and hamstring USA and Israeli militaries.

Anonymous said...

Pretty much biased against the Americans and the Israelis/Jews yes.

Updated post btw with another example!