Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Zahn Kicks CAIR's Ass On Cnn

This week has been something else. First, Boxer rescinds the award to CAIR's Basim Elkarra. Then, France puts out an official paper which states clearly and unequivocally that solving the Middle East Conflict will have no effect on the worldwide Islamic Jihad. And now, Paula Zahn is kicking CAIR's ass on CNN in primte time. Heh:


Anonymous said...

I saw that clip last night. One thing is clear.....Joe Kaufman has been wildly successful in exposing CAIR as the terrorist support group that is really is. Now, if only the American people will awaken from their hibernation, and join the fight against those who would enslave us.

Now for a public service announcement.

The Battalion of Deborah is excited to be able to present to you for the first time a Counter Terrorism & Emergency Preperation Symposium. The Battalion's main calling is education. As the chapter of the book turns we feel the time is now to not only bring you the best in the field, but to help guide and prepare you as these events continue to unfold.
Matthew 24 is also known as "The Olivet Discourse," Jesus describes in details the condition of the world just before His coming. With wars & rumors of wars,and earthquakes. Then he said it would be like as the days of Noah where people went on with life as usual not preparing, and when the flood came they were all caught off guard. This perfectly describes our world today, signs are in the heavens, signs are just as the prophets predicted. People are going on as if nothing is happening, and completely ignoring these signs. He then went on to describe in verse 45 the ones that did prepare they would be made ruler of the household and they would get meat in due season.Noah

In the past we have hosted many conferences, and provide daily news to educate on the times we are facing. Jan. 13 we will be able to bring you the experts in Counter Terrorism. . To also be able host a symposium with such high profile speakers would not have been possible without the Lord orchestrating such an event. The details basically fell in our laps last week, and we knew it was by divine appointment, so this is why we are just now getting the message to you, at no cost. A love offering will be collected for our guest. Lunch will be provided free by the Christ United Methodist Church, and manuals will also be given.
Please RSVP so we will know how many to prepare.


Dr. Paul Williams -

Author of The al Qaeda Connection and Osama's Revenge, serves as a consultant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and an Adjunct Professor of the Humanities at the University of Scranton. Paul
Dr. Williams, warns that the enemy consists of at least 50 million committed terrorists with an extensive network of cells within the United States and Canada. Williams has revealed that Osama bin Laden purchased highly enriched uranium from Pretoria in 1992. The canceled check of that transaction is available. In 1998, German authorities arrested Mamdouh Salim, an Osama bin laden associate, and charged him with trying to obtain highly enriched uranium from the former Soviet Union. Osama bin Laden purchased at least 28 kilos of highly enriched uranium. According to Osama bin Laden's associates, a nuclear attack on the United States is imminent.

Dr.Williams' interviews with Hamid Mir (Osama bin Laden's biographer), his critical involvement in preventing the assassination of the Canadian Prime Minister by Al Qaeda operatives, and his groundbreaking investigation of the "American Hiroshima" plot to detonate nuclear weapons in American cities, has made him one of the most respected and sought after terrorism experts in the Western world.

Jeff Epstein

Is the Founder and President of America's Truth Forum, a non-partisan, grassroots organization committed to educating the public and Security/Intelligence professionals about the threat posed by radical Islam

Mr.Epstein took the lead in producing the first-ever, and critically acclaimed symposium on the threat of radical Islamist terrorism in Washington, DC. During the most recent presidential election cycle, Mr. Epstein also served as Media Relations director for a 527 political action committee that successfully organized a major advocates rally in Washington DC.

Jeff has appeared on numerous radio and television programs including The 700 Club, George Noory's Coast to Coast, and many others. Jeff is a regular contributor to Front Page Magazine, World Net Daily, The New Media Journal, and dozens of other publications.

Jeffrey Epstein's website; WWW.AmericasTruthForum is regarded as one of the most outstanding sources of information about Jihad against the West.

Robert Turk

Iis the International Chairman of B’nai Elim (an international Jewish and Israeli anti-terrorism and physical security organization). Robert was trained by counter-terrorism, intelligence, and law-enforcement professionals and has providedBob personal security protection for the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzeger, during a recent visit to the United States.

B’nai Elim has an international infrastructure which collects, analyzes and acts upon intelligence concerning radical Islamic threats to the United States, Israel, the Jewish People, and their interests world-wide


Christ United Methodist Church
3301 Sycamore School Rd
Ft. Worth, TX

Dr. Pastor Vaughn Baker
Contact Information:
Jodie Anderson

Donita Roberts

Additional speaking times
Jan. 11 Battalion of Deborah Glenrose Chapter
6:30 PM will be hosting Jeff Epstein, Dr.Paul Williams& Robert Turk !!

Jan. 14- Fort Victory Church @ 11 am service ;
Hosting Jeff Epstein, Dr.Paul Williams& Robert Turk !!

Ezek. 33: 3-6
3. when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand.

Pastorius said...

It seems to me the warnings in the Ezekiel verse, and in the Olivet Discourse, are focused on conversion. In other words, the action that one can take is that which is directed towards saving one's soul, not one's body.

This means praying and accepting God's offering of love and salvation by Grace. If we are in the End Times, do you think there is anything we can do to avoid the calamities which are mentioned in Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation?

Anonymous said...

A group of 8 people which Jack will call “Homeland Security Related” toured our floor today to learn about our operations. Jack gave them an abbreviated explanation on what we do on a regular basis. When he was finished he asked for questions. One person asked a couple very good questions concerning security. The others had no questions. Then Jack asked them … if they knew anything about an organization named CAIR. Here are there answers.

(1) Yes … I’m very familiar with that organization and what they do.
(3) … Just what we have seen lately on the news. Something about an award and a senator.
(2) … Have heard of them but don’t know anything about them.
(1) … Why do you ask? … While looking puzzled at the others.
(1) … Never heard of them.