But if you've ever tried to tell your friends about jihad, you've probably discovered most people don't want to hear it. They will sometimes argue with you even if they know nothing about Islam, and they don't understand why you would want to "bash" another religion.
But sharing this information is the best thing a citizen can do to help halt terrorism. So the question is: How can you talk to people about a subject they don't want to talk about?
There is only one answer: First you must motivate them to listen.
Almost as a prerequisite for this topic, before you can really have a good listener, you will need to explain why it's important to know more about Islamic teachings. Most people you come across will literally not have a clue why you would even be interested, or why they should be.
So here are the top twelve reasons why it's a sane, rational, sensible goal to know more about Islam. When you start to talk about jihad or Shari'a and you can see the resistance or suspicion on the face of your listener, ask them, "Are you wondering why I'm even interested in this?" If they are curious, let them know about one or two of the reasons below. While you're reading the list here, pick out the ones you think would be the most effective, and make it a point to remember them for your next conversation:
1. Fundamentalist Muslims are immigrating to western democracies. From within those democracies, including the one we are living in, they are setting up terrorist cells right now. Their spokesmen are delivering fiery tirades at mosques and at demonstrations in our own country, calling the faithful Muslims to rise up against the infidels (you and me), telling the Muslims in their congregation it is their holy duty to overthrow the government and to establish Islamic law. They are recruiting native-born westerners into terrorist groups.
They are in free countries now, preaching hatred. And most western democracies allow more in all the time. Why? Because most westerners don't know much about Islam.
2. They will perpetually try to change our laws, from within and from without. They have already done so in Europe and Canada. Islam is a political ideology. It is the duty of faithful Muslims to work toward making every government on earth follow Allah's law (Shari'a law).
They are carefully following a 20-year plan to overthrow the U.S. government, and so far, they are succeeding. Why? Because most Americans don't know anything about Islam.
If westerners knew what was going on, they could resist it. But our ignorance makes their job very easy.
3. They are having more children than most of us. There are many ways to wage jihad and subjugate infidels. One is through violence.
Another is through reproduction. You can out-reproduce the enemy, which Muslims have been doing. They are immigrating in large numbers into western democracies, and having as many children as they can, and teaching them to be devout Muslims.
Devout Muslims will try to turn any country they live into an Islamic state, no matter how long it takes. They have to. It is their religious duty to do so, whether they want to or not.

The children of Muslims have heard all their lives from everyone in authority that the Qur'an is a direct message from the Almighty Himself. As teens, if they hear a preacher tell them what's actually in the Qur'an they will be shocked. The Qur'an contains clear instructions to wage continual war on unbelievers until the whole world submits to Islamic law.
The teens will look at their parents and feel disgusted. Their parents — the ones who have told them repeatedly that the Qur'an is the perfect word of Allah — ignore much of the book.
So in other words, it wouldn't even matter if we could somehow screen Muslims who enter western democracies for fanaticism. Even if we only let in casual, half-hearted Muslims (peaceful Muslims), their children are potential "homegrown terrorists."
Plus, we cannot ignore the added benefit of dying while slaying infidels: You go straight to heaven, and have 72 beautiful wives ready to do your bidding. What 15 year-old boy wouldn't find that an attractive proposition?
All his life he's been told the Qur'an is Allah's message, and he finally reads it cover to cover (it's not very long) and discovers those preachers were right: It says quite clearly that if he dies while killing infidels he will go straight to heaven without passing GO, without having to be judged, and there, awaiting him, is his lovely harem.
It doesn't take any interpreting or "reading into" the Qur'an to know what it says. There are no vague analogies or stories open to multiple interpretations as there are in the Torah and the Bible. It is a clear, simple, direct message written by one man. Anyone who reads it will know what to do.
5. Confusing current events become understandable. Once you learn what's really going on, the scary terrorist events that make you think, "Why are they doing this?!" are suddenly illuminated, and you know exactly why they're doing it, and why most westerners don't have a clue about what's going on.
You would think that learning about Islamic jihad would make you hate Muslims, but strangely enough, it does the opposite. Most Muslims are in an even worse situation than the infidels. The more you learn about Islam, the more sympathy you have for Muslims who had no choice in the matter and cannot escape without risking their lives and the lives of everyone they love.
But sometimes learning about the subject is upsetting. It is a shock to learn what's in the Qur'an, knowing that one and a half billion human beings believe this is the final message from the supreme ruler of the universe.
But after you get over the shock, it makes world events less upsetting. You will understand what's going on for the first time. You will no longer feel as exasperated or wonder what the hell is happening in this crazy world. You'll finally understand.
Of all the benefits of learning about Islam, this is probably the one that had the most impact on me. Political events that have been happening since I can remember — the hostage situations and hijacked planes and bombings all seemed so unnecessary and confusing. And you can watch the news all day long and get no clarity whatsoever about why these things are happening and what they all have to do with each other. It's a relief to finally comprehend the bigger picture.
Sounds good to me,,,where do I sign-up?
Apparently you can sign up at many convenient locations in the United States.
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