All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Hear, hear! Thanks for telling it like it is!
Well, that's Reliapundit telling it like it is. He deserves the credit here.
OT but I see Lionhearts applied for political asylum in the US
Anonymous,Lionheart's move is a very good move from a P.R. standpoint. It might get him a lot of press.On the other hand, because of the way the British system works (a person is formally arrested as a prelude to questioning, not necessarily to incarceration), we still have very little idea what the hell is actually going on.That means it will likely be very hard for him to get political asylum.I'm guessing the U.S. doesn't want to embarrass the British government.
Well put, Athos.That's one thing everyone needs to understand. When Muslims take over, Europe stops. They might live in what was once called Europe, but it will not be like it was. It will be a third world country, just like every other Muslim nation in the world.Oh yeah, tell me about how Dubai is a vacation wonderland.
You'll note how widespread the reporting of this has been in the MSM here in the USA.Has anyone seen this on CNN? MSNBC? Talal's Fox?Not me.ABC,NBC, CBS?Not me.
For what it is worth, The Weeds of Multiculturalism.
One of the (few) disadvantages of having given up tv for the internet is that I can't see what the MSM is showing or not showing every day. Are they really ignoring these riots? What about Kosovo, are they covering that?
Athos,Great article.How do you propose that Anglo-Saxon culture bring its message to the world? Or, do you think it is best for Anglo-Saxons hole up in England and America?It seems to me the Judeo-Christian tradition is inherently evangelical. I know that Jews are not evangelical typically. However, the book of Zechariah does say that the Lord will rule over all the Earth.So, how is that to come to happen? Is it going to happen magically, or is it going to happen, as do all things in the Bible, through the work of man doing the Will of God?So, I will ask the first question again:"How do you propose that Anglo-Saxon culture bring its message to the world?"
It isn't a news flash to say that Tolkien thought it a pity that the Normans did such a good job annihilating the old tales and traditions of the A-S.The multicultural "Normans" of today, the EU mandarins and commissars, are blithely and self-righteously doing the same with what might be called Christianized Anglo-Saxon culture. The brightest spots of clinging to and evangelizing this culture are, IMO, Peter Jackson's film version of Tolkien's LOTR and Disney's versions of C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia. They are trite, yes. But they serve in pop culture as entrees for those who are desperate for chivalry, nobility, and charity (Gr. agape: steadfast love) in an arid wasteland of secularism and neo-paganism. For what it's worth! Cheers
I am a fan of the Tolien movies. They do help evangelize our culture. However, part of what I meant is that if we want to evangelize (and as I said, it's part of our culture to do so) then we have to do what we have always done, which is,get involved with other cultures.How do we do that without diluting our own culture?I think the answer is to codify our ideology and teach it.We have done that well over the years, but somehow we have lost our talent for it.
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Hear, hear! Thanks for telling it like it is!
Well, that's Reliapundit telling it like it is. He deserves the credit here.
OT but I see Lionhearts applied for political asylum in the US
Lionheart's move is a very good move from a P.R. standpoint. It might get him a lot of press.
On the other hand, because of the way the British system works (a person is formally arrested as a prelude to questioning, not necessarily to incarceration), we still have very little idea what the hell is actually going on.
That means it will likely be very hard for him to get political asylum.
I'm guessing the U.S. doesn't want to embarrass the British government.
Well put, Athos.
That's one thing everyone needs to understand. When Muslims take over, Europe stops. They might live in what was once called Europe, but it will not be like it was. It will be a third world country, just like every other Muslim nation in the world.
Oh yeah, tell me about how Dubai is a vacation wonderland.
You'll note how widespread the reporting of this has been in the MSM here in the USA.
Has anyone seen this on CNN? MSNBC? Talal's Fox?
Not me.
Not me.
For what it is worth, The Weeds of Multiculturalism.
One of the (few) disadvantages of having given up tv for the internet is that I can't see what the MSM is showing or not showing every day. Are they really ignoring these riots? What about Kosovo, are they covering that?
Great article.
How do you propose that Anglo-Saxon culture bring its message to the world? Or, do you think it is best for Anglo-Saxons hole up in England and America?
It seems to me the Judeo-Christian tradition is inherently evangelical. I know that Jews are not evangelical typically. However, the book of Zechariah does say that the Lord will rule over all the Earth.
So, how is that to come to happen? Is it going to happen magically, or is it going to happen, as do all things in the Bible, through the work of man doing the Will of God?
So, I will ask the first question again:
"How do you propose that Anglo-Saxon culture bring its message to the world?"
It isn't a news flash to say that Tolkien thought it a pity that the Normans did such a good job annihilating the old tales and traditions of the A-S.
The multicultural "Normans" of today, the EU mandarins and commissars, are blithely and self-righteously doing the same with what might be called Christianized Anglo-Saxon culture.
The brightest spots of clinging to and evangelizing this culture are, IMO, Peter Jackson's film version of Tolkien's LOTR and Disney's versions of C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia. They are trite, yes. But they serve in pop culture as entrees for those who are desperate for chivalry, nobility, and charity (Gr. agape: steadfast love) in an arid wasteland of secularism and neo-paganism. For what it's worth! Cheers
I am a fan of the Tolien movies. They do help evangelize our culture.
However, part of what I meant is that if we want to evangelize (and as I said, it's part of our culture to do so) then we have to do what we have always done, which is,
get involved with other cultures.
How do we do that without diluting our own culture?
I think the answer is to codify our ideology and teach it.
We have done that well over the years, but somehow we have lost our talent for it.
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