Sunday, February 17, 2008

Muslim Americans For Barack Obama

What's with all the gunfire?

It is possible that this video is anti-Obama propaganda meant to associate him with radical Muslims. Or, the gunfire could be meant to say, "White America will kill him if he is elected."

If this video is, indeed, the work of Muslims for Obama, then they sure don't know how to target the American market.

I don't know what to make of this video, but it doesn't exactly give me the warm fuzzies.


Anonymous said...

I haven't been able to find a primary source for this video either. But if this and the Dubpak press release are fakes, then there are some very sophisticated and talented people doing fakes out there.

Pastorius said...

That wouldn't be surprising. It will be interesting to see how these play out.

Anonymous said...

The video ends with a plug for a "Rally for Change" to be held in Brooklyn. There was a big Obama rally there on August 22, 2007. Could this have been a local tv ad that aired before the Brooklyn event?

If these turn out to be fakes it will be serious political shenanigans. On the other hand, if they turn out to be real and are supppressed or ignored, that's a whole other and much more serious situation.

Night all for now. Wish me luck with turning the computer back on tomorrow!

Pastorius said...

So, you're voting for Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Pastorius, great minds think alike. That was my guess too.

Always On Watch said...

Check out the channel the video came from.

I was watching this one. Huh?

Pastorius said...


The fact that that guy put the video up would seem to indicate that the video does, indeed, represent the Muslim view.

Muslims are very mistaken if they believe that commercial is going to help Obama at all.

Anonymous said...

OK, I admit it, I watched the squirrels...

We still don't know exactly where that video originated, but yeah, that it occupies a place of "honor" on that channel more or less rules out that it's a fake made by anti-Obamas.