We had this post up before, but we have some stuff to add to it today, so here goes. Many of you will not have seen it anyway.
Q: What do you ask a man who's just converted to Islam?
A: Have you started beating your wife?
Q How many Muslims does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, they prefer to sit in the dark and blame it on the Jews.
Q: How do you get a Muslim woman pregnant?
A: Dress her up as a goat.
Q: Did you hear the one about the Muslim who won a Nobel Prize in Mathematics?
A:Neither did I.
Q How can you recognise a well-balanced Muslim?
A He's got chips on both shoulders.
Q: What's the difference between Dar al-Islam and a pot of bio-yogurt?
A: The yogurt has a living culture.
Guy goes into sex shop and asks for an inflatable doll. Assistant asks him whether he wants a Christian one or a Muslim one. Customer asks what's the difference. Assistant explains that you need a pump for the Christian doll, but the Muslim one blows itself up.
Pastorius says: That's good stuff.
Here, I'll try my hand at a stupid Muslim joke.
Q: What do you call a Muslim with no arms and no legs on his first night at the bath house?
A: Hakinan Yer Jizya.
Dilshod Infidel-Apostate adds:
I am an ex-muslim myself and fanatically practiced Islam for 18 years. Its full of absurd laws and stories. Only a person with intellectual bankruptcy would ever accept this religion.
Wake up people, its 21st century, get out of your comfort zone. I've got better things to do than to follow the teachings of a pedophilic-suicidical-chauvinist-narcissistic-racist lunatic.
Now if you excuse me, I need to go back to playing with my new dog Muhammed.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add a joke of my own.
Here it is:
Jesus and God are sitting in a room discussing an important issue. Somebody knocks on the door. Jesus opens and see's Allah. Jesus turns to God and asks "Father, did you order a shawarma? "
Here's another one:
Two moslem sisters, Meenah and Neenah, have just arrived in the USA. On arrival they spot a hot dog vendor. Meenah says to Neenah, “Look, people in this country eat dogs.”
“Odd!” says Neenah, “but if we shall live in America, we might as well do as the Americans do.”
Nodding, they walk towards the hot dog vendor.
“Two dogs, please,” says Neenah.
The vendor wraps two hot dogs and hands them over the counter. Excited, the sisters hurry over to a bench and begin to unwrap their ‘dogs’. Meenah is the first to open hers. She stares at it for a moment and begins to blush with joy. Then she leans over to Neenah and whispers cautiously, “What part did you get?”
Q: What do you ask a man who's just converted to Islam?
A: Have you started beating your wife?
Q How many Muslims does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, they prefer to sit in the dark and blame it on the Jews.
Q: How do you get a Muslim woman pregnant?
A: Dress her up as a goat.
Q: Did you hear the one about the Muslim who won a Nobel Prize in Mathematics?
A:Neither did I.
Q How can you recognise a well-balanced Muslim?
A He's got chips on both shoulders.
Q: What's the difference between Dar al-Islam and a pot of bio-yogurt?
A: The yogurt has a living culture.
Guy goes into sex shop and asks for an inflatable doll. Assistant asks him whether he wants a Christian one or a Muslim one. Customer asks what's the difference. Assistant explains that you need a pump for the Christian doll, but the Muslim one blows itself up.
Pastorius says: That's good stuff.
Here, I'll try my hand at a stupid Muslim joke.
Q: What do you call a Muslim with no arms and no legs on his first night at the bath house?
A: Hakinan Yer Jizya.
Dilshod Infidel-Apostate adds:
I am an ex-muslim myself and fanatically practiced Islam for 18 years. Its full of absurd laws and stories. Only a person with intellectual bankruptcy would ever accept this religion.
Wake up people, its 21st century, get out of your comfort zone. I've got better things to do than to follow the teachings of a pedophilic-suicidical-chauvinist-narcissistic-racist lunatic.
Now if you excuse me, I need to go back to playing with my new dog Muhammed.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add a joke of my own.
Here it is:
Jesus and God are sitting in a room discussing an important issue. Somebody knocks on the door. Jesus opens and see's Allah. Jesus turns to God and asks "Father, did you order a shawarma? "
Here's another one:
Two moslem sisters, Meenah and Neenah, have just arrived in the USA. On arrival they spot a hot dog vendor. Meenah says to Neenah, “Look, people in this country eat dogs.”
“Odd!” says Neenah, “but if we shall live in America, we might as well do as the Americans do.”
Nodding, they walk towards the hot dog vendor.
“Two dogs, please,” says Neenah.
The vendor wraps two hot dogs and hands them over the counter. Excited, the sisters hurry over to a bench and begin to unwrap their ‘dogs’. Meenah is the first to open hers. She stares at it for a moment and begins to blush with joy. Then she leans over to Neenah and whispers cautiously, “What part did you get?”
That last one actually qualifies as a CUTE MUSLIM JOKE.
Hysterically funny
You know what's hysterically funny. I told my wife the joke I contributed (Hakinan Yer Jizya) and she didn't get it.
That is hysterically funny to me.
Glad you like the post.
Fantastic! LOL!
Those are great! I laughed out loud at the doll that blew itself up.
That's a great VW ad!
Yes, and it was banned from TV. I should have mentioned that.
Ridicule is a far more effective tool against these sociopaths than all the logic in the world.
Here's even More Offensive Muslim Jokes
Too bad, real Islam isn't funny. Learn the key facts of the rise, spread and core beliefs of the mental AIDS of Islam fast, accurate and free online with the Historyscoper at http://go.to/islamhistory
Wasnt funny.. infact learn few things about Islam and than comment...
dont behave like weeds...
Yea, LEARN something about Islam instead of making stupid jokes about it. I am a serious Muslim student and scholar, and the misconceptions about Islam are beyond belief. Instead of believing every Muslim is some assholic, homophobic, pigophobic, humping-crazy dumbass, get educated by reading below.
The reason a devout Muslim manwhore will hump male anythings, babies, kids, camels, goats, chairs, etc. with/without a slave-whore contract is that one of the ahadith about Mohammed below concerns the issue as to whether or not Muslimity condemns homosexuality, and the concensus of expert Muslimic authority is that this hadith proves that Muslimity DOES NOT condemn it, but, in point of fact - ADVOCATES IT.
A Muslim man fell in love with this 4 year old girl. The guy decided to take the girl and speak to his father for approval, and then inshallah, get married. But when the father saw her, he was smitten by her, so much so that he told the guy "she is no good for you, so I will take her off your hands and I will marry her." The guy in disbelief, started arguing with his father about who will marry the girl. Seeing no end to the argument, they both decided to take the matter to the local Imam so that he can sort out this problem and judge between them to see who is fit to marry her.
So the father and son were discussing their problems with the Imam and they then introduced the girl to the Imam. The Imam, once he saw her lost his way of dealing justly and he told the father and son that she is no good for both of them, and that he will marry her to take her off their hands! So now the Imam, the son and the father were arguing about who will marry the girl, and once again, there was no end in sight to the argument. The Imam then suggested that they take the matter to the Amir so that he can deal justly in this matter between them.
So the four set out to meet the Amir, and when they finally reached him they told him what was wrong, and when he saw the girl, he was also smitten, so much so that he told the three men who wanted to marry her that she is no good for them and that he will take her off their hands and get married to her! They then all started to argue about who will marry this girl.
The girl seeing this was fed up with the arguing so she suggested something to all four of them. She said that she will run and run and run, and whoever can CATCH her will then be able to marry her. So all of them heard this and they deemed it to be an excellent solution to their arguing and problem.
So the girl started running, and running, and running around in a circle , and then the four men began to run after her.
The girl was so small that she disappeared into a cloud of dust.
So happened they were all running in this circle around Mohammed's tent.
Mohammed came out to see what the commotion was all about.
Reexited after retrieving his axe.
On the way back in was heard beseeching the heavens....
"Get off your ass, Allah. Got four faggots on the way."
It's been a swirling controversy,,,
Whether or not Muslimity condemns homosexuality depends on what exactly Allah was to get off his ass FOR
Muslimic authority asserts that to send 'em on to hell Allah WOULD NOT have to get off his ass. Being omnipotent, Allah was perfectly capable of sending 'em on to hell sitting on his ass.
So why did Mohammed order Allah off his ass.
Must've been for something else.
What was that something else?
Which brings forth another Muslimic myth busted by this hadith.
Allah LIKES pork.
or at least being porked.
Thanks for the clarification.
Why does the qran make such bad toilet paper? The pages are already smeared with shit!
Very good.
Thank you.
This hilarious but I dont get da 2nd,6th,7th,and8th jokes. Plees clarify.
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