Monday, March 30, 2009

Nothing Like Muslim Gratitude

While watching the inflammatory rhetoric of the speaker, remember that this is not a Jihadists from Iran but a professor from Kuwait - a country with every reason to be grateful to the USA for liberating it from the tyranny of Saddam Husseins invasion.


Always On Watch said...

Gratitude is not in the vocabulary of Moslems because they believe, as sons of Allah, that they are entitled to the world.

christian soldier said...

...and why did we send our Best in the early 90s? Who did not allow Schwarzlopf to finish the job?

Two parties-one goal-one party a slippery slide the other an avalanche...No difference....

Anonymous said...

"...Kuwait - a country with every reason to be grateful to the USA for liberating it from the tyranny of Saddam..."

That just mot the way it works on the other side of the looking glass. It should read: Kuwait, a country with more reason than any other to HATE the US for the dishonor that goes with having to be rescued by apes and pigs who, by a sick twist of fate, happen to be stronger than you. Think France post WW2 on steroids.

ciccio said...

A few pounds of anthrax in the air conditioning system of Kuwait University should be an excellent trial run.

Anonymous said...

If this is not a reason why to use JSOC (Joint Special Operation Command) on him i don't know what would.