Friday, April 17, 2009

The atmosphere engendered by Barack Obama's 'progressivism' is now STIFLING

Hate groups means what these people define and what the govt agrees to? Talk about the loss of objective reality !

Just so we all understand how all this works.....the SPLC is now the ne plus ultra fact gatherer, and arbiter of right and wrong? A group that believes a secure border means racism? That 3 nuts jobs who tweet each other is a dangerous hate group, that THIS IS A HATE CRIME (21 results on their site)but devotes about 55 words to THIS (one citation on their site) as one, AND NEVER MENTIONS IT OR ITS MEANING AGAIN? They determine what is politically dangerous, the DHS agrees and then here they are using it as a commercial ...

I don't see this as a conspiracy against what these morons see as the right, but I have little doubt that they believe all who stand in the path of what THEY see as social and economic justice have a touch of evil about them, and should be carefully observed.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Y'know, I always thought the ACLU was a real pain, wrong on many things, but we had to have people like that around to vigilantly guard against many things done by power, and now guess what ... we don't need them ... THEY NEED US.

We are going to be the most obnoxious among us
whose rights must be vigilantly protected
to protect all the people's.
And it's not going to be pretty.

April 16, 2009

Dear Friend,

As you may recall, we've recently documented 926 hate groups operating in the U.S. These organizations are being fueled by immigration fears, the faltering economy and the racist backlash to the election of President Obama.

Now, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has just issued a new alert warning of the dangers posed by these hate groups. It says that "white supremacist lone wolves" and "small terrorist cells embracing violent rightwing extremist ideology" are currently the most significant domestic terrorism threat.

With your help, we're fighting these groups every day by tracking and exposing their activities. We're also training law enforcement officers and making sure they have the latest and best intelligence on these dangerous extremists.

And we've warned the Pentagon about extremists who have infiltrated the armed services. No one, of course, can forget the deadly toll of the Oklahoma City bombing by Gulf War veteran Timothy McVeigh.

Please help us continue our critical work and counter this mounting threat by sending a special gift today. We'll keep you posted on further developments. And remember to stand strong against hate whenever and wherever you see it.

Morris Dees photo

Morris Dees
Morris Dees

P.S. You can get more information - and see my appearance this week on the CBS Early Show - here.


revereridesagain said...

It would be very interesting to see that list of 926 "documented hate groups". Are they making that public or is that just between them and the DHS? Because I suspect there would be more than one outfit on that list that might have a legal case against being tarred as a "hate group".

Epaminondas said...

Just head on over to the SPLC site.

They are all right there, from the real mccoy to the stupid and sublime.

What IS interesting is the hate group map along the with listing of the groups, members, events and links to stories about them.

They dilute the seriousness of some of these groups with efforts to make groups like the Minutemen in AZ into a hate group.

Anonymous said...

CNN reports 54% increase in number to 926 identified hate groups since 2000MSM doing what we've come to expect - hook, line, sinker.

Anonymous said...

"Hate" groups? It's fifth grade with an AK-47, for crying out loud. If "thoughtcrime" weren't so damn scary, it would really be funny.

I want to know which groups actively promote or foment violence against others. What they "think" interests me not at all.

What they say and do w/r/t advocating violence against other people does interest me.

I "hate" being vilified by my "government" for believing in the founding principles of our country - unalienable rights, separation of powers and federalism.

Does that make me a "hater?" Good grief. Just call me "Winston" from now on.
