Thursday, April 16, 2009

CNN Reporter Roughed Up at Tea Party UPDATED

Fuckin' moron CNN reporter. "Clearly (the protests) are not family viewing."

Of course CNN's headline is "CNN Reporter Roughed Up at Chicago Tea Party"

h/t Hot Air

Update on Dissenting Opinion: Yeah, I know what I said in comments about LGF bashing yesterday & I stand by that HOWEVER Egads, first the DHS report, now the Tea Parties. Charles is starting to concern me. LGF: It’s probably pretty obvious that I’m ambivalent about these protests, because I think they’ve been coopted to a large extent by Ron Paul nuts and other fringe groups. I know there are also a lot of decent people participating, but unfortunately almost nobody seems to be interested in denouncing and keeping out the kooks, and that’s a real shame. Instead, people who try to sound a warning are being attacked and smeared.
This is not a recipe for success.


Rebellious Kafir said...

hmmm..I dunno, that guy looks like a plant to me. Something smells fishy here..can anyone find out who that guy is?

midnight rider said...

Couple dippy damn drama queens. No one got roughed up but, man, hold up that hand "plain and clear what she's dealing with" "not family viewing". Gets home to the husband "Oh honey, I had such a rough day at the Tea Party. People were actualy calm and made sense and I couldn't incite anyone to anger or cussing. I'll never make anchor at this rate"

Pastorius said...

Pretty frightening stuff. Wow.

He lectured her on Liberty and she yelled over him half the time, and then she walks away and declares that it isn't family viewing.

Clearly, she was roughed up, and has a case in court.

She should press charges right away.

Anonymous said...

What is with that LGF guy? It sounds like he wants the Tea Parties to be about "denouncing and keeping out kooks" rather than protesting the infringing feds.

And, I wonder, as a practical matter, how does one "keep out the kooks" at a public rally?


Epaminondas said...

The reporter's counter argument is that Illinois gets $50B from the feds and therefore an argument on principles of Lincoln is void?

That is a microcosm of WHAT IS WRONG.

If the govt is the drug pusher, then it's OKAY?

revereridesagain said...

Somebody needs to remind that arrogant bitch that her job is to report the news, not act as the Obama administration's advocate on the scene.

Only "anchor" she should be associated with is the one accompanying her job to the bottom of the harbor.

revereridesagain said...

Somebody needs to remind that arrogant bitch that her job is to report the news, not act as the Obama administration's advocate on the scene.

Only "anchor" she should be associated with is the one accompanying her job to the bottom of the harbor.

Rebellious Kafir said...

to the LGF guy: You are wrong. I've been pretty involved in both TEA parties here and yes there are a few "Libertarians" who get involved but, you need to understand the rest of the people who are working their rear ends off are not about to let the movement get hijacked by RonPauls bunch.

Pastorius said...

You are absolutely correct. The reporter's argument to the man PROVES she has no concept of what the Founding Fathers intended when they constructed the Constitution.

How this woman got through college I can't figure. I mean, this is 8th grade Civics-class stuff.