Monday, April 20, 2009

Culturist John in Korea


Jewel said...

Thank you, John. I envy you that you got to go there to tell me all that! I already agree with you, but I still wish I could be there, too.

Unknown said...

Korea is amazing. It lets us see what it is like to actually have a country with a national sense of pride they must live up to. It is NOT, as the multiculturalists would tell you, a horrible thing.

It was a great time. I'm glad you enjoyed the co-journey with me. Next time together!!!

Pastorius said...

Great report, John.

I live in one of the areas in the United States most heavily populated by Koreans. You are right. Koreans are racialist. However, they are also very good Americans. Most Koreans I know are Christians.

The first generation Koreans tend to stick to themselves. The second generation Koreans tend to be friends with non-Koreans, but only to date within their race.

Third generation, all bets are off.

This has been pretty much the pattern with most European immigrants as well.

I agree with you, Koreans are model American immigrants, and of course, Muslims (who are not a race) ARE NOT MODEL IMMIGRANTS.

Unknown said...


Your analysis of stages is interesting. I am amongst Koreans in the library all the time. But I don't hang out with them. I did not use the word "assimilation" in the video. But that is a key.

Thanks, John

Pastorius said...

Yes, Koreans seem to love libraries almost as much as the Angels in Wings of Desire.
