Thursday, April 09, 2009

Happy Passover


midnight rider said...

No kiddin' just now over the cubicle wall woman who really ought to know better just asked "so, do Jewish people celebrate passover?" and she was serious.

"Uh, no, they celebrate Passover."

"Why, because they get passed over?"

"Well, kinda" and I went into a few minutes of the Exodus and Pharoah and the unleavened bread and so on.

"Oh, so they get a day off for a holiday they don't celebrate?"

The level of ignorance scares me.

Maybe Israel needs to start keeping better company.

Andre79 said...

Pesach sameach. :)

midnight rider said...

Pasto -- just got to see the video - you're sick, Pasto, sick sick sick

Glad to know ya!

Anonymous said...

OK - my six year old, who is learning about the Exodus in her bible class, has made me watch this damn thing seventeen times.

NOW, she has a friend over for a sleepover, and she is telling this kid about the Exodus. AND I HAVE TO WATCH IT AGAIN!!!

(Will they NEVER go to sleep???)

It was really, really cute the first fifteen times, though.


Pastorius said...

Who does that dumfuck woman at your work think the Bible is written about?

I mean, the woman might be nice in many other ways, but if she has even cracked a Bible and does not realize that it is a book about the relationship because God and His Chosen People, the Jews (and that it is ONLY late in the "New Testament" that that story becomes expanded to include idiots like herself), well then, she has a serious reading comprehension problem.

This is not a matter of Israel teaching the world better.

This is a matter of Pastors teaching their parishioners better.

midnight rider said...

Pasto it floored me when she asked that. There's 3 of us in the room I've been "reorganized" to. Both the other 2 are between 30 & 40 and both did not know the story of the Flight from Egypt. I don't think either of them have ever cracked a Bible. Now, maybe not knowing it to the level most of us here do but for pity's sake at least some very basic knowledge. I banged my head against the desk after that. Now I look like al-Zawahiri.

Problem is it seems, at least around here, the younger the culture the less they know about the Bible. Which, as you said at CUANAS (I think) once can trace back to the 60's when there was a paradigm shift in our culture. That's no excuse but a sad commentary on how far this society has slipped in the last 40 or so years.

Conversely, after I posted that comment yesterday, as I was leaving work I bumped into a gent whom I know to be a very orthodox Jew though you wouldn't kow it too look at him and wished him a Happy Passover. He seemed both surprised and pleased by this.

Incidentally, he's the same guy these 2 numbnuts were originally talking about when they asked if Jews celebrate Easter.

midnight rider said...

Oh, by the way, she is not very nice in many other ways. She lets bawdy slip to rude and crude to a level even you and I would disapprove of. And she's rough on coworkers who may need her help.

Pastorius said...

In your first comment you said the woman asked if Jews celebrate "Passover". The fact that she asked if they celebrate Easter is even stupider, and also highlight the astounding hatred in her comment about them being "passed over."

She's an anti-Semite.

midnight rider said...

Holy shit, Pasto. I stated that wrong! She asked "Do the Jews Celebrate Easter?" no "do Jewish People celebrate Passover?"

Boy I need to proof read better. Lends a whole different weight to what she asked, makes her even stupider and, yes, I agree though she has said little about it she may very well be an anti-semite.