Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Is BHO Accepting And Advocating A Form Of Segregation?

Jeffrey Imm seems to think so:
...[T]he segregationist concept of a so-called “Muslim world” is so ingrained and accepted within foreign policy dialogue that we continue to see the use of this phrase. This includes people that know better. I was recently asked about a challenge in the “Muslim world.” As I stated then, our biggest problem with Islamic supremacism as an ideology is the idea that we would ever accept a segregationist concept as a “Muslim world.”


The idea that there is a “Muslim world” sets expectations that segregation in the 21st century is somehow acceptable. It sets expectations that our universal truths of human equality and liberty can somehow be only partially accepted to accommodate so-called “local cultures.”


...So when President Obama tells the press of the need for “partnership with the Muslim world,” he needs to go back and think about how we accept a segregation of a so-called “Muslim world,” while challenging those who seek to create a caliphate (which he has identified as our enemies)....
Read the whole thing. Is Jeffrey Imm correct in his assertions that BHO is, in effect, denigrating "universal human rights" and being inconsistent when he refers to "the Muslim world"?


Anonymous said...

Wow. Many typos. I'm eating crab legs and typing with one finger. My bad.

Andre79 said...
