Sunday, April 12, 2009

Meet Bo

Yup. MSNBC leaked the news. This is the new White House dog, given to the Obama's by that Hero of Chappaquiddick himself Senator Ed "Hey bartender" Kennedy.

It is, indeed, a Portuguese Water Dog.

The girls got to name it, as should be I think.

Malia and Sasha chose the name, because their cousins have a cat named Bo and
because first lady Michelle Obama's father was nicknamed Diddley, a source said.
(Get it? Bo . . . Diddley?)

Poor guy destined for a rough life. Hope Malia and Sasha take better care of him than their pop is doing taking care of our Constitution.

So, for Bo, a classic
Good luck to ya, dog.


Ed Miller said...

A little gift from Ted "the Irish water dog" Kennedy.

Let's hope Bo's a better swimmer if the occasion ever arises...

Wonder if he'll be paper trained on copies of the Constitution?

- pupista

Pastorius said...

Cute dog. Good name lineage. Malia and Sasha look like very nice little girls.

I hope they're all happy.

It looks like it's related to the poodle family. I'll bet you it's one of those dogs that has human-like hair, instead of dander filled fur.