Monday, April 06, 2009

Obama Says, "Let Them Eat Cake"

Obama defines our American values as being able to live free from "fear and want". 

Free from want? No, the American Tradition is that we are Free men able to make our way in the world free of government interference. Our American Tradition says that we can create our own lives.

As soon as the government gets into the business of making sure that we are "free from want" the government is also in the business of defining how we will run our lives. The only way for the government to ensure that no one wants for anything is to engineer a society where everyone works and/or gets money for nothing.

Such a society is not a free society. It is the work of a political architect. It is oppressive, and will ultimately become fascistic. Money always comes with strings attached. The more we allow the government to redistribute money, the more strings their will be, until we are dangling on the wires.

Obama is outside the American Tradition. He needs to resign as President of the United States. 

This was an interesting line from Barack Obama's speech in Strasbourg, France on Friday April 3, 2009.
Barack Obama reveals a bizarre understanding of American values:

We know that transformational change is possible. We know this because of three reasons: First, because, for all our differences, there are certain values that bind us together and reveal our common humanity: the universal longing to live a life free from fear, and free from want; a life marked by dignity and respect andsimple justice.

Our two republics were founded in service of these ideals. In America, it is written into our founding documents as "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In France: "Liberté" -- (applause) -- absolutely -- "egalité, fraternité." (Applause.) Our moral authority is derived from the fact that generations of our citizens have fought and bled to uphold these values in our nations and others.
So freedom from "fear" and "want" are Western values that bind us together?
Since when? That's kind of bizarre.
Is that what separates America from China or Saudi Arabia?

Freedom from "want" and "simple justice" sound more like something Karl Marx would say than George Washington.

In fact, it looks like he took the line from none other than failed UN General Secretary Kofi Annan:

Women themselves have the right to live in dignity, in freedom from want and freedom from fear."
Just what exactly is Obama talking about here?
Does he even know what he's saying?


christian soldier said...

I stated this at Gateway--I'll state it here...:
The French revolution-a DEMOCRACY and the guillotine - NOT REPUBLIC- and it lasted ----How long....!!!!???????.....
This- BHO- is what the US Education system has been producing....through Ayers and his ilke....

The French Revolution was NOT the SAME as ours-period!!!!!!
We are NOT a democracy....

Pastorius said...

A very good point, CS. In a way, Obama and his ilk are in for more than Antoinette. They will be made irrelevant by history. They will be pebbles in a wide river.

christian soldier said...

P-good points...I like the "pebbles in a wide river." analogy...
If we are organizing for the return of Constitutional FREEDOM...
We Cannot wait that long. ..fortunately-we no longer have the froggy lukewarm - slippery slide...We have an avalanche...and many have awakened...
Thank you and all at IBA for standing strong...

Epaminondas said...

'free from want'? Who says what that is?

I just want to be happy.
I demand the government make me free from want.

Where can I call the department of making me happy?

Maybe it just means better than basic cable? Or all wheel drive?
Steak 3 times a week? (No that would be declared as something not making us free from want since a stent would be in our future and we want health, right?)
Maybe a $4 foot long?
Maybe it means a guaranteed job? I want to be a fishing guide. But I want a heads display in my glasses of my quad processor 16 GB, 2 terabyte cpu with worldwide gigabit wireless so I can do stuff when the fishing is slow.

I am sure those people mean we have people not worrying about foreclosure, eviction, hunger, yadda yadda, healthy school lunches, but really what they MEAN is freedom from worry.

Those people are simply living in a DREAM WORLD OF DELUSION.

IF such a thing can ever be achieved without simultaneously stripping us of freedom in favor of that kind of attempt, we are many millenia away from even being able to define a measurable result, let alone make the attempt.

53% of the people have voted for a delusion.


Always On Watch said...

BHO will NEVER resign.

Pastorius said...

If enough Americans come to realize that Obama is outside the American Tradition, we can force Congress to have a sort of American "No Confidence" vote, in the form of a resolution which states that his policies are outside the bounds of the Constitution and the Federalist Papers.

I know it sounds outlandish, but then, so are his policies.

Let's face it, if we had any sense this is what we would do. I does us no good to simply say it can not happen.

So let us call for that which makes sense.