Friday, April 03, 2009

Palestinian TV - Kids Calling For the Murder and Destruction of "The Jews"

Not the Zionists. "The Jews". 

You know they mean it, when they teach their children to speak this way.

And one of these kids is speaking in English, so it's clear there are no games being played with translation. 


Damien said...


One of the biggest reasons to be skeptical of the Palestinian / Israeli peace process is the way the Palestinians raise their children.

e of usa said...

Well, if that dosen't give you a warm fuzzy...

Epaminondas said...

Indeed Damien...your children are your personal future.

Therefore.....there just ain't a damn thing to discuss with regard to peace is there? Just make the walls, higher, thicker, tougher, and develop technology to root out and automagically destroy tunnels.

Then go out to dinner.