Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Public Service Announcement

Tomorrow is April 1st. Don't forget it is the Great American Tea Party. Be sure to mail Obama a tea bag tomorrow.

the address:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

and, ya know, if so inclined yer fav'rit Porker, Sonasbitch or Congresscritter might be feeling a little thirsty as well. Have to get those addresses on your own, though.

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

YAY!! I wondered when somebody was going to find that cut from "Johnny Tremain". (I had such a massive crush on that Stalmaster kid who played him when I was about 12.)

In case you non-Bostonians are not aware, there really was a Liberty Tree. It was over east of the Common in what later became the infamous "Combat Zone" XXX-movie district. There's still a plaque up on one of the buildings.

Iowahawk's got a vid featuring "The Country's in the Very Best of Hands" from "Little Abner" but it's all libertard pols and you get to see old peanut-dick Robert Byrd cry which is well worth the wait. I'd post it but you know what happens when I try to post vids.