Saturday, April 11, 2009

What A sCHmUCK

Breaking News: Schumer states 

"Traditional Values. Strong foreign Policy, all that's over"


Epaminondas said...

I am heartened to see Schumer proselytizing this.

I hope the sun shines on this unamerican moron.

History will not be kind to Schumer

When our men are killed when enemies have gone too far even for these morons and they are forced to react in fear of the populace here, and we see weapons which don't function properly, men and women with inadequate training, and inadequate NUMBERS of weapons and over committed to kumbaya activities, as opposed to killing people and breaking things...I wonder what these people will have to say? Who will they blame? A general? Bush? An Admiral? Bush? Some drone operator, the CIA, BUSH?

These people will fail because they stand in opposition to HUMAN NATURE.

They fail to understand human nature in demanding their idea of economic justice as being DUE from others while they are MORE EQUAL than others.

They fail to understand the actions and desires of those overseas who DO understand human nature, and see them for what they are.

Schumer is going to look infinitely worse than William Borah.

Anonymous said...

I wish we Jews could excommunicate peole like Catholics do. Traditional vaues and strong foreign policy are integral to Judaism. Schmuck.