Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The WT Sherman School of Best Practices in Foreign Policy presents its plan for the Overseas Contingency Operations Against Man Caused Disasters

As we know the all seeing WT had certain proclivities regarding the exercise of force in the service of the state. He was almost uniformly successful in his use of force with minimum casualties to his own forces AND the opposing civilian population.

Yesterday we read with interest the publicly stated intention of Baitullah Mehsud, another gintsu wielding freak out of, alternately, a mud enclosed hacienda and a cave, to make an amazing attack on Washington, in retaliation for other ginstu wielding freaks being killed by remote control from Florida by 19 year old Domino's eating Americans who drink and fornicate while off duty. Since we are doing this because Washington was already attacked, and NY, and a field in PA contains the bodies of our innocents, we take note of the basic mind set of such people.

As you should all know, the righteous and kind WT told the elders of Atlanta:
1: "But, my dear sirs, when peace does come, you may call on me for any thing. Then will I share with you the last cracker, and watch with you to shield your homes and families against danger from every quarter."
Of course, this was after he carried out his primary policy:
2: "This war differs from other wars, in this particular. We are not fighting armies but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war."
3: "War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over."
Only through executing the last two is the first possible. Not necessary, or inevitable, just possible.

As we have seen over the last 8 years, it may not be possible to institute a government in which our freedoms, INCLUDING FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND RELIGION and all that confers upon individuals, in places such as Afghanistan, or Iraq. They are their own people and have other ideas.

More, we note today THIS typically hideous apparition of a law.

We also note here at this graduate school of human nature and national and extra national behaviors that our domestic political discussions have been adversely affected by our innocent intentions to bring Jefferson to other cultures while minimizing civilian discomfort where we do this.

Therefore we recommend the following course if, in the future, as it appears, we will be compelled by attacks against us and ours, and our allies, here and overseas to conduct further "Overseas Contingency Operations" against states which harbor or are ineffective in acting to prevent "Man Caused Disasters" ...

While taking SOME care to avoid killing everyone, in carrying out rules 2 and 3, lay waste via air and other power to the complete physical infrastructure of said states until no technical or manufactory means remain. Do this over no more than 60-90 days of relentless activity bearing in mind rule 3. Ignore anything other nations have to say, explaining this to them with regret on the first day.

Ignore rule 1, and consider it only if the target asks for help. Then politely refuse.

Leave a note behind for further consideration of the populace:
"Don't make us come back, please"
They can then go back to having their own lives and religious practices completely undisturbed by us, our armed forces, State Dept., or our unpleasant (as we have been told) ways. They will be free to contemplate the past and future as they please.

We, on the other hand, will have our men and women at home, our armed forces relatively undisturbed, and our body politic quickly returning to its normal course.

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