Monday, May 11, 2009

The rumour .. Grand Bargain with Iran done, Israel is the Sudetenland because .. it's about Pakinukes?

It goes like this ...drawn from Ted Belman and other places such as China Confidential and the great Ms Glick...but MANY other sources as well...

Obama's grand bargain (IS DONE) with Iran is to get their support (sort of like France's in Afghanistan?) to 'allow' us to carry out a (ready for it?) limited modified invasion of Pakistan to get their nukes as their nation crumbles.

For this the trade becomes (according to Jordan's king)
  1. Israel in something like 67-49 borders
  2. Limited right of return (undefined numbers)
  3. They keep some settlements
  4. Israeli Arabs become part of palestine as a trade for that
  5. Jerusalem is the capital of Arab Palestine which will be a demilitarized state
  6. Palestine will be a demilitarized state
  7. Normal relations and trade with all arab nations for Israel
  8. Israel is recognized by the Palis as a jewish state

2. is a non starter since that is the end of a two state solution right there
4. has already been rejected by the arabs themselves (2000, with Clinton) who would have to become palestinian citizens. They seem to find this disadvantageous for some reason, I can't imagine why
5. Would cause revolution inside Israel
6. Yah sure, when even this week HAMAS reiterates they will never accept two states? And Abbas says, 'hey I can agree to anything but I can't be expected to force our people to agree and act like it'. Further, does ANYONE ANYWHERE believe that having come all this way HAMAS would LISTEN to an Iran even if the IRGC did say CUT IT OUT boyz of the MB? Or that there is not enough loon wahabbi individual arab money to make up some/most/all the difference? Hell, WE ARE giving HAMAS almost a billion
7. Nice but who really cares?
8. Yes, one they will kill soon enough

All this to invade a nation of 168 million, 8 times the population of Iraq the vast majority of whom hate our guts before we invade to look for an unkown number probably in the 80-200 range of nukes the length of a kitchen table and the width of a basketball, while Iran simply does not blast us verbally all over the world and takes no other action?

And after ... we leave behind a nascent caliphate - chaos and disorder for who, India?

DELUSION if true.

Can Obama be that stupid and delusional?

Leave peace in Israel up to Israel and its enemies, and get special forces backed by massive air ready to carry out this mission which is a RAID, which we should have been training for since AT LEAST 2001.

PS Netanyahu: "Israel will never withdraw from the Golan"
Otherwise, no problem


revereridesagain said...

Obama can be a lot worse than stupid and delusional. I usually try to explain things by stupidity before malice, but not even Obama is this "stupid". The plan, as you point out, will accomplish 4 things useful to Obama:

1. The ultimate destruction of Israel;

2. The ramping up of hatred of America via an invasion of Pakistan leading to more US guilt he can mine;

3. At least a few of those 80-200 or whatever nukes left lying around where they can be scooped up and perhaps eventually deployed where they can cause one of RE's "useful crises", see #2.

4. He gets Israel to clean up that little problem with Iran by eliminating Iran's motivation, or so he thinks.

Yeah, sure.

Does Obama or anyone else not on medication actually believe that Iran would halt its nuke development just because Israel is being forced to play nice? Given his Muslim background, does Obama not understand that Ahmadinejadda's grand plan requires a massive application of chaos and destruction or the 12th Iman is liable to remain sulking at the bottom of his well?

Only part of that I can see giving Obama pause is the thought that one of those loose Pakinukes might eventually get set off right over his home office. He's going to have to be ready to schedule some away time on short notice. Maybe some photo ops with AF1...

Always On Watch said...


I think I'm gonna puke.

Pastorius said...

If Obama is the one who proposes the peace deal that seems to settle the problems faced by the world, then what is his name?

It will be interesting to see how this is accepted and perceived.

I would imgaine Israel will reject it out of hand. However, I would imagine Obama could build a coalition of European and Arab states to bring pressure on Israel.

Very frightening developments will follow if this goes through.

The result is a foregone conclusion, if this does go through.

Epaminondas said...

I'm not a big bible quoter ..but "then what is his name?"


Christine said...

Well after all, he is the One, the divinely gifted, the Messiah.

No matter that others have tried and failed. For, with the wave of his hand and the correct wording on his teleprompter, his will, will be done.

Of course the man is f*cking stupid and delusional!

He doesn't know what the hell he's doing. Someone, please find the grownups in the white house, before we all go down in flames and Israel becomes only a distant memory.