Sunday, June 07, 2009

Someone Please Tell Evan Thomas That The Rumors Of Obama's Godhead Are Greatly Exaggerated

I understand that Thomas is not, literally, saying that Obama is God, or even that he is, in some way, truly like God, all-knowing, all-powerful.

However, he is, literally, saying that Obama is, compared to other men, almost all-knowing and all-powerful.

That is fucking insane to me. It's the kind of delusion that a paranoid schizophrenic would come up with about a celebrity before he embarked on a serious stalking jag. This is the kind of delusion that often leads people, like Mark David Chapman, to murder people like John Lennon.

It ought to be a huge story that our media is so biased that the Editor of Newsweek could get away with saying this, and not get laughed out of the business.

Now, let us suppose that Evan Thomas knows that, even as compared to his fellow men, Obama is not a head-and-shoulders standout when it comes to being all-knowing and all-powerful.

If it is the case that Thomas is indeed cognizant of Obama's limitations when it comes to Omiscience and Omnipotence, then what the hell was Thomas referring to? Could he have been referring to the fact that Obama seems to be able to speak to a larger vision which many of the nations in the rest of the world would seem to need?

If this is the case, then it might help Thomas to know that Obama is not the first American President in history to make the decision to help other nations to arbitrate their moral problems. Reagan, Bush, FDR, Eisenhower, Truman, and even Bill Clinton, to some extent, did this.

This is what we mean, at least in part, by American Exceptionalism.

The Brits also played the role of moral arbitrator in pursuing their "Imperialistic" policy, what Kipling referred to as "White Man's Burden".

The Romans did this as well, obviously.

Russia did it too, in the sense that Communism was a philosophical system (religion) which dictated it's own moral vision to a huge number of the nations around the world.

But, Evan Thomas seems to think Obama has invented something, and that this invention puts him in a different class of leadership than any man before him.

Is that not complete insanity
Midnight Rider adds:
Evan Thomas is absolutely right in what he says but wrong for why he is saying it. This is exactly what Obama believes of himself and is his mission. To unite the world as one big happy fucking kumbaya we used to be the bully but now we're all pals and I'm just the Godlike person to do it.Spit.Well, we were never the bully you fucking moron Evan. We were an enforcer, a (often reluctant) policeman that stood up to the bullies of the world. The Hitlers, the Husseins, the Andropov's. Once Obama has emasculated us (sorry, ladies, best word to use at the moment) what are the rest of you going to do, Merkel and Sarkozy and Brown et. al. when Putin bares his fangs for real, when and ascendant China makes her move, or a crazy damn NorK leader decides to send one flying south? Who ya gonna call?This is precisely why I said a few days ago the biggest threat to The United States and our National sSecurity is not Al Qaida or North Korea or Iran or China or even Obama. It is our own fucking media who spew this vomit believe it themselves and thereby get a stupid sleeping citizenry to believe becasue they are too damn lazy to look elsewhere and too much of a rush for Little Johnny's soccer match and get home in time for Desperate Housewives to think for their fucking selves

Instead of praising Obama for this kind of nonsense he shoudl be using the same phrases to slam him for it.


Reliapundit said...

the MSM - being dominated by postmodernists - doesn't believe in American Exceptionalism; they believe in Obamaian Exceptionalism.

Obama is the "Unum"; they are the PLURIBUS.

midnight rider said...

And they're all full of shit.

Pastorius said...

Well put.

When people stop believing in ideas, they begin to believe in Charisma.

Always On Watch said...

When people stop believing in ideas, they begin to believe in Charisma.

Important point!

No wonder reasoning with BHO's supporters is such an exercise in futility.

midnight rider said...

I really hate to make this comparison for reasons I've stated time and again but "When people stop believing in ideas, they begin to believe in Charisma" is what brought a certain little corporal to power in Germany.

Pastorius said...

In my opinion, when you have Editors of highly-respected news magazines talking about the leader as some sort of God, the Hitler comparisons are fair.

Not that Obama is rounding people up and killing them en masse. But that his sycophants are enthralled in a Pagan Cult of Personality on a similar to that of Hitler and Hirohito.

midnight rider said...

Pasto - thus my comment. As long a folks make the distinction (I know you're not a probblem there) and don't start saying I'm calling him a Nazi.