Friday, September 04, 2009

Bary News Conference-Pamela Geller

Source: Atlas Shrugs


Damien said...

Carlos Echevarria,

Its just shocking the way Pamela Geller was treated in the first video by that rude person.

Pastorius said...

Pamela is doing GREAT WORK here.

I commend her, and thank her.

Damien said...

By the way, I'm kind of upset at the way Skepchick has handled this story.

The Impetuousness of Youth. I wish someone over there would show Sam Ogden the Religion of Peace website or Jihad Watch or maybe, Citizen Warrior. I wonder if he knows that according to Islam's holy text, you are supposed to kill people who convert from Islam to another religion. Of course they are an supposed to be an a political skeptical organization, and not an anti Jihad organization, but the way he and the commentators seem to be taking her situation a bit too lightly as far as I'm concerned.

Pastorius said...

That person who wrote that post is shallow foolish human being.

"it’ll be fun to see who gets to claim their god is stronger at the end of all this."

This is not about proving whose God is bigger. This is about life and death.

To use the word "fun" in such a situation shows that the person does not take the issue seriously.

That is disgusting.

Damien said...


I agree with you, that's exactly the impression he gives me. Still I wonder what would happen if Mr Ogden met Pat Condell, and he mentioned it to him. From what I can tell most of people over at skeptchick are atheists. I don't know exactly how Mr. Condel feels about the situation with Rifqa, and I know he doesn't like Christianity, but he might take it a bit more seriously than him and have a bit more sympathy for her. There are still many Muslims around the world who have no issue with killing people who abandon their faith.

Sorry about the problems with my last comment, just glancing over it, I noticed I couple of minor errors. I need to remember to reread before I hit the publish button.

Unknown said...

The Rifqa story is one of CNN.COM's most viewed. It is currently under their latest news column. Lets see if we can visit it so many times that it surpasses Michael Jackson's burial in popularity!

More to my usual point, multicultural America is very reluctant to recognize that cultural diversity is real. RIfqa's plight is a key indicator of why we need culturist immigration laws.

Speaking of which, CNN reports that Rifqa's father is not a U.S. citizen. Wouldn't it be nice if he could be deported for the tax fraud Atlas has reported or extreme cultural incompatibility? If you despise freedom of religion you are not upholding the Constitution.

Damien said...

Culturist John,

You Wrote,
Speaking of which, CNN reports that Rifqa's father is not a U.S. citizen. Wouldn't it be nice if he could be deported for the tax fraud Atlas has reported or extreme cultural incompatibility? If you despise freedom of religion you are not upholding the Constitution.

No disagreement there.

Anonymous said...

Columbus Dispatch - local reports on case.

Damien said...


Just to let you know, I decided to leave a comment over at Skepchick and politely let them know what I think. I hope a few of the people over there are willing to take a closer look at this, and maybe take it a bit more seriously. I'll be awaiting a response from one of them, especially Mr. Ogden.

Damien said...

Unfortunately at this point and time, it says that my comment is awaiting moderation. I hope they don't reject it outright.

Damien said...

By the way, they just accepted my comment. Hopefully I'll get a response.

Kwelos said...

Lots of useful resources in the links under APOSTASY and DAUGHTER-SLAUGHTER at The Religion of Peace™ Subject Index