Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Song for Rifqa

FOX is reporting that the Florida investigators claim to have found "no evidence of a threat" to the life of Rifqa Bary if she returns to her family in Ohio. Hey, no evidence of conspiracy was found at the Noor Mosque ("who, us?"), the Barys deny that they have any intention of harming their daughter ("who, us?"), and Muhammad Bary denies he ever slapped his daughter upside the head for being reluctant to wear the hijab in public ("who, me?").

I hope and trust that Rifqa's legal and support team have been prepared for such a development and that there are still some brave souls amongst the Florida authorities who will not conclude that this relieves them of the responsibility to ensure Rifqa's safety.

I'm dedicating this song, "Braver Than We Are", by Jim Steinman to Rifqa. And to all of us.


Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

Like I said earlier, she better have a very good lawyer, who will be able to eliminate any reasonable doubt in the minds the judge and jury, otherwise, it may lead to here death.

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

By the way, speaking of apostates, did you happen to see this?

Help An Ex- Muslim Who May Be Deported Back To Afghanistan

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

We need as many people as possible to stand up to the Jihadists.

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

I have to thank you for have done, to fight them, including this, even if we disagree sometimes.

Charles Johnson said...

There is no Islamist threat. Rifqa is not in any danger. So let it be spoken, so let it be done.

Damien said...

Charles Johnson,

I hope that you are joking and that you don't actually expect us to believe that. I'm sorry, but the threat is there. I wish it wasn't, but too much is at stake to just ignore it.

Pastorius said...

So mote it be.

revereridesagain said...


Thanks -- I've already signed that petition and I urge everyone to do so. They are trying to railroad this young man back to Afghanistan to get him permanently out of the hair of the Islamists in the UK.

There is some additional coverage of Rifqa's case over at JihadWatch that is worth reading.

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

Thanks. Its nice to hear that.