Sunday, September 06, 2009

Speaking of lessons...

What seems like a very long time ago, but actually it's only been a little over a year, we had a presidential race.

In one corner, you had a candidate who claimed to be a centrist, but was actually a far left socialist, with a host of friends who have all the top invites to Chavez's pad and smoke cigars in a dark room, somewhere in Chicago.

In the other corner, you had a candidate who claimed to be a Republican, but was actually a centrist.

Now, 9 months since the thug in chief, Chavez wanna be entered the White House, our economy is in shambles, soup kitchen lines are going around the block filled with the jobless, those who were our foes are our friends and our old time friends have changed their phone numbers.

We have 31, no make that 30, mysterious people holding positions, with God knows what power, making decisions that could affect our grandchildren's world, who Obama gathered up into his "Socialism is Freedom" bus (which of course needs frequent tire changes due to the bodies being tossed out) from behind suspicious looking warehouses in downtown Chi Town.

The back room of the White House has been turned into a scene from the Godfather. The blinds that were suppose to be open, are now welded shut with iron bars. Ideas, plans and schemes are being cooked up, that we may or may not find out about, before they have been approved, by people who see it as "beneath them" to actually have to read them and besides, they know what's best for us. Our constitution has been relegated to a storage unit somewhere with a night guard. And soon, our children will have "special camps" to attend.

What was white is "asshole, racist, extremist mobs and what was black is African American, with American on it's way out, to be replaced with either the USSA or ISA. That's another fight in the future, time and location to be announced.

Our chickens, have been cooked.

And I hear "But he said he was a centrist".

Seems to me, we would have needed a hell of a lot less pain reliever, if we had just elected the actual centrist in the first place.

Just sayin'.


Pastorius said...

At least Barack Obama is bringing clarity to the American dialogue. That is something that has been missing since the early Reagan years.

People are waking up, and I believe the dialogue is now beginning to focus on what the American Tradition and Constitution really mean. What is America, and who are we as a people.

I don't think that would have happened if McCain were in office.

Christine said...

Yes, i agree with that aspect of this fiasco. But, what will be left of America and how long will it take, to fix what and who he and his cronies broke after we manage to get him out of there? He still has 3 years to totally f things up.
3 very long years.
I hope this dialog will be worth, what could be an extremely high price tag.

Pastorius said...

Well, as you might have notice, I don't think he's going to make it through his term.

I think Congress will eventually suggest he leave office.