Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Spot the Israeli Flag

English Defence League Protest Against Muslim Extremism

. As you will clearly see this Demo was a peaceful Non racist demo. The problem is the organization known as United Against Fascism whipped up the local Black and Asian commuinty into believing there was a BNP/National front march.

Why did they do this?

Basically they tricked the local community into violence to aid their cause.

Not one EDL member was involved in the disturbances, which lasted well into the night. In fact all the photos I have seen in the press are of Asian youths attacking single white people.

Somehow the headlines the next day were focusing on the Right wing racist group called the English Defence League.

Do me a favour! Watch this video.

After watching this vid, you will see what you read in the press is merely what certain people want you to read!

You do not have to watch the whole video because the first few minutes explain enough


Pastorius said...

Please email me at cuanasblog@yahoo.com

Pastorius said...

Sad to say, these people would do better to grow some hair.

Also, the signs, in America we call that "Astroturfing."

The signs were clearly manufactured centrally, and are not expressions of the ideas of the individuals.

In American, that is the separation line of the Left and Right. The "Tea Party" movement all have their individually made signs. The Left carries signs designs by the likes of groups like MoveOn and Code Pink.

That's Astroturfing, or covering over that which might be natural with something fake.

It doesn't look good for the EDL.

I hope you understand my comment. It is not necessarily a criticism, but it is a critique.

nunya said...

I disagree. They're a political party. They should be more professional, if anything, although I do find their casualness rather endearing. They are, after all, the Casuals. Tea partiers are different because it's a non-partisan movement and we're not trying to provide an alternative to the existing parties; we're trying to get our elected representatives to represent us.

I love the EDL. They're everything I like about the BNP with none of the repugnant stuff like the racist, the antisemitism, and the socialism.