Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Another Insane, Degenerate Barack Obama Nominee

From Gateway Pundit:

Stunner... Obama's Latest Nominee Is Complete Nutjob -- Praised Polygamy

Gee, what a shocker. Obama nominated another complete nutbag for a high level government position.

Barack Obama's latest nominee for The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission signed a petition that praised polygamy.
World Net Daily reported:

President Obama's nominee to become commissioner for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission signed a manifesto praising polygamy and arguing traditional marriage should not be privileged above other forms of union.

Chai Feldblum, an outspoken homosexual rights activist and Georgetown University law professor, is a signatory to an online petition entitled "Beyond Same-Sex Marriage: A New Strategic Vision For All Our Families and Relationships."

The organization defines itself as "a diverse group of nearly twenty LGBT and queer activists [who] came together to discuss marriage and family politics as they exist in the United States today."

The manifesto, first noticed by the Catholic News Agency, calls for a "new vision" for securing governmental and private institutional recognition of "diverse kinds of partnerships."

Among the stated "partnerships" the petition seeks to protect is "households in which there is more than one conjugal partner."

The petition laments what it claims are conservative attempts to push for "abstinence-only sex education, stringent divorce laws, coercive marriage promotion policies directed toward women on welfare, and attacks on reproductive freedom."
Feldblum is one of the many rightwing haters who signed this nutty manifesto:

More... Chai is also a radical pro-abortion ACLU lawyer.


Damien said...


If only she was the worst of Obama's nominees!

LL said...

She sounds like a typical Dear Leader friend. Why does the government insist on appointing a freak to the EEO office?

I'm with Damien. She's not the worst. She may be a gay/lesbian/transexual who feels that a normal nuclear family is a gay/transgender gang bang, but at least she's not a Communist (that we know of).

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I think, personally, it's a tossup as to who is the worst;

Cass Sunstein
Van Jones
John Holdren
(for anyone who isn't aware of Holdren, here's a link:



But, to me, the Van Jones appointment was the most revealing of the potential monster that Obama really is. He appointed an out and out and self-avowed "black Nationalist" to his Cabinet.

When you combine such an appointment with the appointment of Holdren, one really has to wonder at the Hitlerian parallels.

Listen, history doesn't repeat itself, it rhymes.

Obama will not round up people, put them in concentration camps, and gas them. He will not create a Gulag. He will do something different.

But, he has made it clear, he is willing to appoint a racist and a Eugenicist.

What should that tell us?