Monday, October 05, 2009

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann interview regarding ACORN

Via Email

Video: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) On The Criminal Enterprise Of ACORN And Continued Federal Funding.

"It's really I think unconscionable on the part of the administration, especially when you consider the close relationship that the President had with ACORN and that he was an attorney for Project Vote under the ACORN umbrella, you would think the Administration would be doing everything they can to fully investigate...What gives? If a criminal obvious enterprise like ACORN year after year can't get investigated, who will?"

Who: Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN)

What: Exclusive interview regarding ACORN.

When: Monday, October 5th, 2009.

Bachmann Soundbite #1: Not One Dime Rescinded From ACORN.

"If the legislation is identical, ACORN will only be defunded through October 31st...As of this moment as we're speaking, ACORN has not had one dime that's been rescinded from them."

Bachmann Soundbite #2: Letter To Geithner To Defund ACORN.

"The letter that I wrote to the Treasury Secretary is to say if you are going to go forward on another bailout, and I'm not encouraging him to, but if he does at minimum would you include language that would specifically defund ACORN?"

Length of Full Interview: 5:32

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