Thursday, October 01, 2009

Gore Vidal: "We'll Have A Dictatorship Soon In The US"

I can not remember the exact quote (maybe someone can help me here), but Nietzsche said a sick man is better at diagnosing the illnesses of mankind than a well man, who has no experience with such.

I think Gore Vidal is a friggin' lunatic, but a friggin' lunatic is required here, because he knows of what he speaks.

From the London Times:

The grand old man of letters Gore Vidal claims America is ‘rotting away’ — and don’t expect Barack Obama to save it

Gore Vidal

He has crossed every boundary, I say. “Crashed many barriers,” he corrects me.

Last year he famously switched allegiance from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama during the Democratic nomination process for president. Now, he reveals, he regrets his change of heart. How’s Obama doing? “Dreadfully. I was hopeful. He was the most intelligent person we’ve had in that position for a long time. But he’s inexperienced. He has a total inability to understand military matters. He’s acting as if Afghanistan is the magic talisman: solve that and you solve terrorism.” America should leave Afghanistan, he says. “We’ve failed in every other aspect of our effort of conquering the Middle East or whatever you want to call it.”

Read the whole thing.


Epaminondas said...

He remains PRECISELY what he was in the famous video of he and Buckley from 1968, a complete and total douche nozzle

Always On Watch said...

Voter remorse from a douche nozzle?

Lord, things must be really bad.

Anonymous said...

the irony of a total douche nozzle regreting his vote for obama and the smirk it brings to my face is momentary.

then the sadness of what it means for us as a nation to have such an inexperienced articulate narcissist closet marxist as president reaserts itself.

his trip on behalf of chicago to snag the olympics is the equivalent of let them eat cake, or fiddling while rome burned.

I can see him saying something simmilar to what nero said before he killed himself while on the run from the authorities in rome after he was deposed.

I paraphrase, they would abandon thier god? what a loss to the world that I must leave it. my talents are so great.

LL said...

It's bad when Gore Vidal abandons Dear Leader because Dear Leader is incompetent. Even the stalwart extreme left is dissolving from under Dear Leader.