Obama's "Safe Schools Czar" Praised NAMBLA Founder, Too
The Washiington Examiner has the latest on President Obama's safe schools czar Kevin Jennings.
He's not exactly a child advocate.
Apparently, Jennings is on record praising the founder of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), Harry Hay.
How's that for safe schools?
Regular Folks United reported:
He sounds like just the person you want working with children, huh?
UPDATE: Warren Throckmorton has a rebuttal to CNN's support for Jennings.
He's not exactly a child advocate.
Apparently, Jennings is on record praising the founder of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), Harry Hay.
How's that for safe schools?
Regular Folks United reported:
For anyone who spends even an hour on the internet looking into Jennings’ speeches and writings, his nonchalant attitude about an older homosexual man having sex with a boy should not be a surprise. What is surprising is that no one is mentioning reports that Jennings publicly stated that he was inspired by one of the biggest promoters of pedophilia in the country—Harry Hay. Hay actively promoted sex between men and boys and supported the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). Transcripts of a GLSEN conference in NYC on October 25, 1997 indicate that Jennings said, “one of the people that always inspired me is Harry Hay.” Jennings also edited a book called Becoming Visible: A Reader in Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students which included a biographical sketch on Harry Hay. One of GLSEN’s Education Department resources also lists a work on Harry Hay.This follows the news that Kevin Jennings admitted to hiding pedophilia from school officials.
He sounds like just the person you want working with children, huh?
UPDATE: Warren Throckmorton has a rebuttal to CNN's support for Jennings.
Just when you thought Obama's chooses weren't going to get any worse! Kevin Jennings is sick, and he shouldn't be given a job that has anything to do with children!
What on Earth is it with Obama? At the very least, does he not realize that this will hurt his reelection campaign, and make even some of his fellow leftists angry at him?!
I wonder if Oprah after seeing this would still support this thug obama.
Not that i have any hopes on it.
Could not care less:)
All I can say is wtf.
An even worse choice than Van Jones at best. At least despite Jones being a "former" Communist, Jones didn't promote child rape.
I agree.
did you read the latest topic on galliawatch?
pig frédéric mitterrand, french minister of culture:
"I had to become used to paying for the boys (...) Obviously I had read what they were saying about the boy business here (...) I know what truth there is in it. The widespread poverty, pimps everywhere, the mountains of dollars it brings in while the boys only get a few crumbs, the drugs that destroy, the illnesses, the sordid details of all this traffic. But all of that did not prevent me from returning there. All the rituals of a market for young boys, of the commerce of slaves, excite me enormously (...)
You cannot judge such a sight as anything but abominable from the moral point of view, but it gives me pleasure beyond the point of reason (...) The profusion of very attractive and readily available young boys puts me in a state of desire that I do not have to restrain or hide. Money and sex - I'm right in the heart of my system, the system that finally functions because I know that I will not be refused."
Does BHO deliberately choose the lowest of the low?
Always On Watch,
Maybe in this case he just wasn't paying attention, even through that's not much of an excuse.
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