Thursday, October 15, 2009

No Particular Political Signifigance

Land of Confusion

Land of Confusion

ValleryMySpace Videos


Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

I liked the music, but I hated the video. why did you post this piece of anti capitalist, socialistic propaganda?

midnight rider said...

Hmm. . .

Could it instead be an anti-war/anti-govt/anti-hate video?

Look at it again, and the one I just added below it.

Damien said...
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Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

Come to think of it, it could also be that. But that's not my interpretation of the video. The Disturbed Land of Confusion video seems to be blaming it on capitalism since the symbol the bad guys use looks like it is based on the dollar sign. The villains in the video include what seems to be the leaders of the free world, including the United states, France and Great Britain, as well as Japan. The main villain in the Disturbed Land of Confusion video, looks like a cooperate fat cat. The video ends soon after the people take him down, and when the main character kills him, money comes bursting out. I guess it could be an anti-war/anti-govt/anti-hate video/anti capitalism video.