From R.S. McCain:
Over at the Unlinkable Land of Liberal Lizards, Charles Johnson sneered at thereaction to Obama's Nobel Prize for Nothing, prompting another spectacularly laughable act of sycophantic fellatio by the aptly named Sharmuta:Posted in: A Peace Prize for the PresidentNotice the liberal chop-logic involved here:
»30 Sharmuta
10/09/2009 8:43:23 am
Of course, Republican pundits are worked up into a fine froth over it.
Certainly rains on their Olympic Failure celebration.That was short lived. Perhaps it's karma.Ergo . . .
- Obama fails to win the Olympics;
- Conservatives laugh;
Input different data into the LGF Chop-Logic Dispenser, and still it produces the same conclusion:
- Conservatives are hateful.
Ergo . .
- The Nobel committee bestows an unmerited laurel on the eminently unaccomplished novice;
- Conservatives laugh;
The liberal argument is not actually an argument, but rather an unsupported assertion and a demand: "Liberalism is good! Stop laughing, you haters!"
- Conservatives are hateful.
Their anti-logic begins with the conclusion and accepts any "evidence" to prove it, ignoring all contrary evidence nor even bothering to test the alternative hypothesis
McCain's post is great, though he and I do not seem to see eye to eye on GoV (but, that's another story). Go read the whole thing.
By the way, Gateway Pundit points out something interesting:
I actually think Gateway is wrong, because in my opinion, Arafat also encourage Genocide.
But, that does not excuse Obama, , nor does it excuse the Nobel Committee.
1 comment:
Elie Wiesel, like Arafat, has also made a career out of endorsing genocide. Granted, he was smarter and more eloquent about it, but Arafat never dreamed of the kind of destruction which the Clinton administration carried out in the Balkans with Wiesel's support and approval, which was why he won the prize: dead Jews and Christians = peace to leftists. By those standards, Hitler should have won the Peace Prize for liberating the Sudetenland.
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