Thursday, November 19, 2009

CAIR asks McDonnell for more on Robertson, as Connolly weighs in

Rosalind Helderman

Gov.-elect Bob McDonnell continues to face calls for him to publicly repudiate donor and ally Pat Robertson today, even after a statement issued Tuesday evening in which his spokesman commented generally about the importance of the Muslim community to Virginia.

A spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations said Wednesday that McDonnell's comment "a good statement as far as it went," but said he did not believe it went far enough in directly disavowing Robertson's remarks.

Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for CAIR, said the national group is working with Muslims in Virginia to decide how to proceed on the issue. But he said he continues to believe McDonnell needs to make a clear statement indicating he does not agree with Robertson's stand on Islam.

Robertson said last week that Islam is "not a religion" but a "violent political system" and called for Muslims to be treated like communists or members of a fascist party.

"[McDonnell's] sending the message that he wants it both ways--he wants the support of a Muslim-basher. And he wants to work with Virginia Muslims. I think those two things are incompatible," Hooper said.

Meanwhile, the political implications of the Robertson remarks are growing. U.S. Rep Gerry Connolly (D) has put out a statement Wednesday calling on Robertson to apologize for his comments. Connolly said he has heard from hundreds of constituents, both Muslims and others, offended by Robertson's comments, which came in response to the Fort Hood shootings on an episode of the 700 Club last week.

"My feeling is that if public officials don't speak out about this, our silence might be misconstrued," Connolly said. "I, for one, am not going to be silent in the face of that kind of unbridled intolerance."

And does Connolly believe that McDonnell needs to speak out as well?

"I feel as a public official, I have a duty. I have acted on my duty. Other public officials have to take their own counsel," he said.

By the way, the douchebag Islam-apologist Gerry Connolly has been featured here at IBA in the past:

He smells like money to me.


revereridesagain said...

Robertson's bushwhacking the trail clear slightly ahead of the main force, and he's catching flak for it from the stragglers. Probably should have prefaced his remarks with something like, "it will become clear to the rest of you ostriches sometime within the next year or so that... Islam is not a religion, but a violent political system yadda yadda yadda". You have to spoon-feed this information to the snoozers, otherwise they spit it back up all over you.

Pat's got the message. The McDonnells of the world are going to have to learn the truth of it the hard way, as always.

Pastorius said...

His statement was a lot more helpful than what one would expect of him, that Islam is the religion of Satan.

I guess only a fool like me makes that statement repeatedly.

Allah is Moloch.


Pastorius said...

Robertson calls Hinduism a demonic religion?