Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Electric bolts will shoot out of all the progressives eyes and they will all die in a lightning cataclysm

Palin-Beck 2012


Pastorius said...



Was Palin really suggesting that Beck would be a good running mate, or did NewsMax tie two unrelated quotes together?

If Palin thinks Beck would be a good running mate, then I think we have our answer about whether she could be a viable candidate in 2012.

midnight rider said...

O'Reilly for Sec Def!

Pastorius said...

O'Reilly would be a horrible SecDef, so I take it you are joking.

midnight rider said...

Of course. I meant Secretary of State. . .

midnight rider said...

Nugent for SecDef. . .

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Just the mention of the above has me smelling smoke coming from the liberal corner. LOL!

Pastorius said...

The Nuge would be the best SecDef ever.

The whole world would be shaking in it's boots.

He could kick off press conferences with Stranglehold. It would be great.

midnight rider said...


mah29001 said...

I somehow doubt the Republican elite will support this ticket. They didn't like Sarah going against their will for the NY Congress seat, nor of Glenn Beck's approve of going against the Obama administration.