Thursday, November 12, 2009

How The MSM Would Like To Headline The Fort Hood Jihad

A few examples of what the mainstream media would like to see in print:
Fort Hood: Another Black Eye For Teabagger Movement

Investigation: Ft. Hood Killer Had Access to Fox, Talk Radio, Right-Wing Blogs
More at the above link - headlines and graphics.

When in-your-face, Islam-driven slaughters such as the jihad at Fort Hood and 9/11 occur, the msm have to break a least a few lines of political correctness. Not for long, but possibly for long enough for those who still have eyes and mind to do a bit of research about the motives. And once that bit of research is done, BHO loses even more of smidgen of credibility he has.

Let the multiculturalists perseverate. The truth will seep through anyway, and the American people will rally as patriots. At least, such is what I hope will be the only good outcome of the jihad at Fort Hood.


revereridesagain said...

Gawd, but I love Iowahawk!

AOW, how is Mr. AOW doing? I can't make it to the Rifqa Rally either, 1600 miles round trip in a 10-year-old car at age 65 is just too much. But we've got a local meeting Sunday night about the Islamists in the greater Boston area and I plan to go to that and make some noise, and hopefully some contacts.

Epaminondas said...

The pix at Iowa are hysterical !

Always On Watch said...

I didn't have time to grab the graphics.

Always On Watch said...

My husband is making very slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

At the last meeting I had with the nursing home, Mr. AOW's release date to home is the week of November 23.

I did put up a recent post about Mr. AOW's progress.

And thanks for asking.

I feel as if I'm been sucked into some sort of vortex. I do read as much as I can online but have little time to post.