Sunday, November 22, 2009

Is Obama Bringing Martial Law to America?

When first hearing about the absurdity of trying terrorists, unlawful combatants, in federal court, my initial reaction was to question how this would affect the integrity of the judicial system. Shannon Love at Chicago Boyz asks the hard questions that few others are considering:
The greatest danger posed in the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) isn’t that he will go free. The greatest danger is that he will be convicted and that during his appeals the courts will ratify all of the extraordinary measures used to capture and convict him. The great danger is that the courts will ratify the rough, inaccurate and ambiguous norms of martial law as applying to all civil criminal trials.

For over two hundred years, those captured by the military outside the civil boundaries or caught carrying out military action on US soil, were tried by military tribunals. Up until the 1950s the military used drum head trials to convict and execute those found fighting in violation of custom and international law. Pirates were often hung at sea within hours of their capture. In WWII, anyone fighting disguised as a civilian faced summary execution with the approval of just three officers.

For over two hundred years we were careful to keep a firewall between civil and martial law. We did so because civil and martial law are polar opposites. Civil law is focused on protecting the rights of the accused against the overwhelming power of the state. When there is doubt, the accused walks free. Martial law is focused on imposing a minimal order on bloody chaos. It was focused on allowing the military to complete its mission and win wars. When there is doubt, the accused is presumed guilty.

Now, Obama wants to bring martial law into a civil court room in Manhattan. In order to let a civil conviction of KSM stand, the higher courts will have to overturn almost all the current constitutional protections of the accused.

Go read the whole thing.

Crossposted at The Dougout


christian soldier said...

instead of 'holding the high ground' .."Occupy til I come" -- Lk 19 in KJV -New Testament-- Christians have left the battle field-the slow slide began- this move by bho is not by 'accident'!

revereridesagain said...

At this point it is advisible to determine what is the worst possible outcome of any plan by the Obama administration and make that our working assumption. None of this is by accident.

Determine what is BHO's most likely working premise in any given situation. Given all that we know so far, is it ever reasonable to assume that it will include furthering the interests of the United States as a free, capitalist, non-Islamicized Western nation? Exactly what would this socialist, multiculturalist, black liberationist, pro-Islamic politician gain from that? Is he likely to modify his actions in the hope of saving the 2010 and 2012 elections or is he more likely to ram through the most radical programs and agendas he can while he can? Including those that might affect our ability to change the balance of power in those next two elections?

We didn't bring him home but unlike many of those who did, we know what he is. Assume the worst.

Epaminondas said...

I have a hard time going over the Glenn Beck edge of interpretation.

I can believe that like any executive branch he wants more power to do more of his list.

I can believe they have no long range clue to consequences, and DON'T CARE, giving weight instead to the immediate perception of the day

I can believe THEY ALL are sincere in their beliefs that we are better off as a socialist, spread it around, zero sum game civilization in which nation states and nationalism are to be discouraged.

I DO NOT believe they can justify treason and violence in their own mind to achieve those ends.

They must know, if nothing else, that even such an attempt would mean the end of America as they know it, and as we all know it, and outright civil war and rebellion WITHOUT QUARTER, all with an unknown end of extreme consequence and govt from one end of the bell curve.

Pastorius said...

I understand your reservations, but how do you explain this:

Epaminondas said...

Personally I think he is talking about (in his head) some kind of peace corps, a bunch of weaponless do gooders whose angel like sincerity and expertise change the world, restore the america of ... well it actually never existed ..but I could make an alternate argument that I have called for the exact same thing.

WHICH IS... the armed forces are designed to kill people and break everything ..and we need an entirely different kind of force to do shit like Iraq once the cakewalk has ended

Anonymous said...

Epaminondas, you are giving Ozero and his gang of fascists too much benefit of the doubt. He and his Chicago thugs hate everything about America and are out to "fundamentally transform" it. If their agenda to turn America into France requires shredding the Constitution ("are you serious?") and using strong arm tactics, they will not hesitate to do so.

Pastorius said...

You said: Personally I think he is talking about (in his head) some kind of peace corps, a bunch of weaponless do gooders whose angel like sincerity and expertise change the world ...

I say: I will grant you that that was my first thought. However, note that Obama said "just as well-funded". If they are weaponless, why do they need to be "just as well-funded".

Put Obama's words together with Rahm Emanuel's words here:

So, it seems to me you are, as Grant said, giving Obama too much credit.

On the other hand, this could be another one of Obama's head fakes: