Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sudbury Shaheed Wants To Go Home and Watch Beheadings

According to WBZ-TV News, (if the link won't work try the WBZ home page) the lawyer for Tarek Mehanna of Sudbury, Massachusetts, who was arrested in October on charges of conspiring to commit jihad, has requested that he be sent home to await trial. Mehanna lives with his parents in an upscale, semi-rural area of Sudbury, about a mile up the road from an Islamic Center of Boston mosque and across the street from a community sports center. Of course, since he is said to enjoy watching beheadings on the internet, he would probably prefer to remain indoors engaged in that and other equally harmless pursuits.

The judge has yet to rule on the request. On the other hand, the nearby town of Chelmsford has banned such overt religious symbols of Christmas as striped candy canes and Santa Claus from its holiday crafts fair. So the dhimmitude is pretty advanced up here in the land of the Minutemen, Lexington, and Concord. Paul Revere is going to have to ride up the road again at 3 a.m., yelling THE EFFING JIHADISTS ARE COMING, YOU MORONS, WAKE UP!!


Anonymous said...

Tell me you are joking about the candy canes and Santa Claus...PLEASE! What is the problem with those things? How are they even remotely associated with any religion? And WHY? Just when you think it couldn't grow does...

revereridesagain said...

Nope, sorry, it's a real story. They claim they are trying to be "neutral" and not "offend" anyone. At least you can still have snowflakes. They will probably be on the list next year.

I'm not religious, but this is my cultural heritage too. Christmas is a part of virtually everyone's life in America and these idiots are trying to steal it from us. To say nothing of the Sharia compliancy and dhimmitude involved.

Ellen K said...

In my area, a local middle school tried to change the words to "I'll Be Home for Christmas" to "I'll Be Home for Winter" so as not to offend the 10% of the population that might be bothered by mentioning Christmas during a Christmas song during the Christmas season. This administration more than any other in my lifetime has created a situation where real Americans are actually fearful of expressing those freedoms that are implicit in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. We cannot speak except in the most stilted of terms about Muslims, jihad or religion. We cannot express our own religious beliefs. We cannot trust our media to give us all the facts but instead expect them to tell us what we should think. This is no longer America. But honest to God, I don't know where else to go.

mah29001 said...

A tad bit of a double standard. If elected officials start banning anything that was considered to be promoting Jihadist-like propaganda, they'd receive death threats.

But in a PC world, it's Kosher to ban Christmas. Because Christians for the most part have given up this brand of violence. I also don't understand what does a candy cane have to do with Christianity either.