Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Other Damage Could Maj. Hasan Have Done?


I just found this over at Mike's America:
Many of us have scratched our heads wondering how a fine American like Flopping Aces contributor Chris Galloway could commit suicide after tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, we learn that one of the men whose job it was to help returning troops deal with the reality of their deployments was an Islamist nut case. Heads should roll here and let's start with the apparent indifference by the Obama Administration to the problem of Islamic extremists permitted to remain at their jobs in the U.S. military.
HERE is the story at Flopping Aces.

Speculation as to other damage Hasan has done? Yes. But not all that far-fetched, in my view.

HerRoyalWhyness adds:

I can't help but recall events from a year ago, when Steve Coughlin, author of 333 pp. thesis

(To Our Great Detriment - Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad )

was let go to save the tail of one Hesham Islam (questionable history in resume not caught during vetting process).

Hesham Islam brought jihad-supporting groups to the Pentagon, & successfully shut down reasoned analysis of jihadism. Coughlin was fired.

Coughlin stated aptly,

Because Islamic law matters to Muslims, in the WOT, it should also matter to us.

Of note:
“That Which Gets Lost in Translation”:

…Sadly, Western academia is increasingly clueless about the realities of the Muslim world. This is important for more than scholarly reasons: “Many former Soviet officers believe that the prime reason for the failure of their mission in Afghanistan was their profound ignorance about Islam. This is a lesson worth heeding.” [comment cited in, Dmitri V. Trenin, book review of Dana Priest, The Mission: Waging War and Keeping Peace with America's Military (W.W. Norton 2003) in The New York Times, Apr. 30, 2003.]…


Pastorius said...

This Hasan guy left a trail of blood in his wake, didn't he?

Northman said...

Most likely. Also very likely? Not a single thing will change. They're too goddamn stupid to see it. If you stand in front of them, tell them you are going to punch them in the face and then punch them in the face, they are still not going to know what it was that hurt so much. It's either that or that they are know full well it's happening and they're actively and willingly trying to assist the Islamists.

Anonymous said...

This Hasan guy left a trail of blood in his wake, didn't he?

Horrifically, Yes he did.

I can't help but recall events from a year ago, when Steve Coughlin, author of 333 pp. thesis

(To Our Great Detriment - Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad )

was let go to save the tail of one Hesham Islam (questionable history in resume not caught during vetting process).

Hesham Islam brought jihad-supporting groups to the Pentagon, & successfully shut down reasoned analysis of jihadism. Coughlin was fired.

Coughlin stated aptly,

Because Islamic law matters to Muslims, in the WOT, it should also matter to us.

Of note:
“That Which Gets Lost in Translation”:

…Sadly, Western academia is increasingly clueless about the realities of the Muslim world. This is important for more than scholarly reasons: “Many former Soviet officers believe that the prime reason for the failure of their mission in Afghanistan was their profound ignorance about Islam. This is a lesson worth heeding.” [comment cited in, Dmitri V. Trenin, book review of Dana Priest, The Mission: Waging War and Keeping Peace with America's Military (W.W. Norton 2003) in The New York Times, Apr. 30, 2003.]…


Pastorius said...

Well put, Dillinger.

HRW, I added your comment to the body of the post.

Anonymous said...

Patorius, It wasn't until after I posted that comment that I noticed EPA hit on the same ideas with his thread "That Coughlin Thing" just below this article .
