Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gingrich: "Where In The Muslim World Have We Seen Any Battle Cry ... To Condemn? Where Is The Condemnation? At What Point Do You Have To Say 'Enough?"


Everyone must watch this! I think this may be the best speech I have ever seen, by any politician, on the threat we face from Islam.


Damien said...


I've seen this before. I even think it was posted on this site once before. But I must admit, Newt does a good job. He does such a good job that it might be a good idea to show this again and again. He says some important things that people really need to understand, but either don't or pretend is not real.

Pastorius said...

I agree, Damien. This is one that bares repeating.

Redneck Texan said...

Yeah, he nailed it.

.... or half of it at least.

He still stops short of blaming the entire populations of the Islamic world. ..... nor does he offer any tangible solutions to the problem...... although I bet he knows what the only solution is.

..... he's just come to the same conclusions we have ..... that these words are wasted on deaf ears until we lose a city.

The hard part for me is going to be feigning sympathy for all those deaf ears in said city. How can you feel for those that refuse to take the warnings seriously? For those that see only racism and partisanship in Gingrich's words?

...... there's really nothing we can do to prevent the loss of one or more cities. Any more than we could have nuked Japan before Pearl Harbor.

.... the course of human events just have to play out ..... before you can properly respond to them.

..... its like everyone criticizing our intelligence community for their "failures" in preventing recent attacks against us. What are they supposed to do? The same people that are complaining about the failures would be the same ones bitching if we started arresting or killing Muslims based on our interpretation of their intent.

I'd dig it ...... but no one currently in charge could survive it.

Damien said...

Redneck Texan,

In all Fairness to Newt it maybe because he's having trouble thinking of a good solution, or maybe he has a solution but doesn't want to give it away for fear it will help the enemy.

Redneck Texan said...

Well some politicians are bold enough to admit that AQ has an unlimited supply of potential jihadis. But I haven't seen one yet admit that we are are at war with THE PEOPLE of the Islamic world.

We're just not wired to admit such a thing ...... or politically capable of responding with an appropriately worded declaration of war against them.

Ever since the Indian wars .... which was a war against a "peoples" and not just their leadership ..... we just cant muster up the hatred thats going to be required to keep our children, and perhaps ourselves, from living in an America with a few radiated no-go zones.

We're at war with the people and tribes of the Islamic world, not the governments that represent them at the UN. We want those governments to deal with their people on our behalf ....... but if they did so, in the effective extremes that are required, we would be the first in line to criticize them. And you know, you cant really expect them to kill off most of their own people just so we can live a little safer.

.... but I think "giving away" our plans for a final solution would work a lot better at preventing further attacks against us, than just waiting around for the final casus belli before we can execute them would be.

..... tell them now ..... in a public declaration .... that we're going to kill you all if one of your fellow adherents ever manages to successfully destroy one of our cities. Hey, if y'all dont have the balls to stomp the violence out of your neighbors ...... thats fine ..... but that means your all gonna die the day after he succeeds....... are you sure this is how you want it to end?

..... I'd vote for someone who had the balls to say that on the campaign trail. Me and very few others. Of course that depends on when he gives the speech ...... before or after their next attempt to exterminate us.

Damien said...

You'd probably love Geert Wilders, even through he's not an American, and thus is constitutionally ineligible for the presidency. Its also too bad that he's going to be charged by his own country for hate speech. If you can help him out, Citizen Warrior has a recent thread on how you can.

Action Alert: Support Geert Wilders

But you'd better hurry. The Dutch Authorities are going to try him on the twentieth of this month.

christian soldier said...

so-Gingrich has put on his 'conservative' mantle - AGAIN..
expedience? ...
and-he got off of the couch on which he was seated w/ nancy P..(remember photo op?)
I do not TRUST this guy-
I also remember the R majorities in the mid-90s and the INCREASE government spending....

Pastorius said...

You said: He still stops short of blaming the entire populations of the Islamic world. ..... nor does he offer any tangible solutions to the problem...... although I bet he knows what the only solution is.

I say: I don't know about that. I think when he points out that in the entire Muslim world there is no condemnation for these acts, he is doing the equivalent of blaming the Muslim world. Maybe I read too much into it.

You said: The hard part for me is going to be feigning sympathy for all those deaf ears in said city. How can you feel for those that refuse to take the warnings seriously?

I say: I've thought about that too. Truth is, when the worst happens, it will still be a shock even to people like you and I. To see tens of thousands of our fellow Americans murdered will be absolutely horrible.

But, I do see it as a foregone conclusion.

Pastorius said...

RT said: I think "giving away" our plans for a final solution would work a lot better at preventing further attacks against us, than just waiting around for the final casus belli before we can execute them would be.

..... tell them now ..... in a public declaration .... that we're going to kill you all if one of your fellow adherents ever manages to successfully destroy one of our cities. Hey, if y'all dont have the balls to stomp the violence out of your neighbors ...... thats fine ..... but that means your all gonna die the day after he succeeds....... are you sure this is how you want it to end?

I say: RT is right.

joe six-pack said...

Time is NOT on our side. It is only a matter of time before one of these Islamic groups obtains and deploys an effective WMD.

At that point, the real war will begin. I doubt it can be avoided except by conventional, offensive warfare. The U.S. just does not have the political will to do this. And our current leadership seems to think that time is ON our side. I am afraid that we will find out before he leaves office.

Damien said...

Joe Six-Pack,

I hope you're wrong. I have a contact by the name of Greg Nyquist, who says that a nuclear terrorist attack is unlikely since few Jihadists if any have the expertise necessary to maintain suit case nukes. I hope he's right. However, that doesn't rule out the possibility of a nuclear missile being launch by an Islamic state at an American target, if the leader of said country is willing to risk total annihilation, which given what we know about Ahmadinejad, that's not out of the realm of possibilities.

midnight rider said...

Damien -- Unfortunately a terrorist nuke attack is all too real a possibility, especially if they have backing from either rogue/disaffected scientists and/or a sympathetic state sponsor. And furtherit doesn't have to be an Islamic group that does it though they are the most likely candidates.

If you never have, see or better still read The Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy. He laid out just such a scenario years before 9/11.

Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

You know they didn't have the guts to make the bad guys Jihadists in the movie version. I didn't read the book, but I saw the movie and heard about the book from my grandfather and several other sources.

I never said I thought it was unlikely. However, the idea of nuclear terrorist attack is chilling. I pray we come to our senses before we have to deal with something like that.

midnight rider said...

Sorry, D, I misread your comment. Your friend feels it unlikely, you just hope he's right (as do I). My bad.

Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

Its understandable.

Pastorius said...

All they have to do is get a hold of a nuke from NoKo, Iran, or some rogue Russian group.

Or, in the case of a "suitcase nuke", they would have to enlist the help of the same people for maintenance purposes.