Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just when you thought this administration could not get any weirder…
Barack Obama’s Transportation Security Administration nominee Erroll Southers, who previously lied to Congress in a signed affidavit, now calls pro-lifers terrorists in a recently discovered video.

This is the same guy that will head the organization that screens passengers getting on airplanes.
Life News reported:

President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the agency charged with keeping American travelers safe from terrorism thinks pro-life advocates are terrorists. A new video shows Transportation Security Administration nominee Erroll Southers including pro-life advocates in a list of terrorist groups.

The new video from 2008 shows Southers responding to a documentary-style interview question about terrorist organizations.

The documentary asked Southers, “Which home-grown terrorist groups pose the greatest danger to the U.S.”

Southers explained, “Most of the domestic groups that we pay attention to here are white supremacist groups. They’re anti-government, in most cases anti-abortion, they are usually survivalist type in nature, identity oriented.”

HotAir also points out that he also said that global warming deserves the same parity as the War on Terror man-caused disasters.

And, David Freddoso points out that Erroll blames our relations with Israel and France make us a terror target. This kook rattled off every leftwing nut conspiracy in one interview. Good work.


Damien said...


Well he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about Islamic terrorists, which are far more common than pro life terrorists. In all fairness through, he never specifically says that all pro lifers are terrorist.

However, it might be a good idea for us to worry about Christian Identity oriented groups as he calls them. Its basically a hate cult. Its basically a cross between Christian fundamentalism and Nazism. Their perversion of traditional Christianity is really sick.

revereridesagain said...

Well, I now find myself about to hold my nose and vote for one Scott Brown who wants to forbid emergency contraception to rape victims. Hell, having their rapist's baby shouldn't be a problem for these women. They've already been violated once, and it'll remind them that the rape must have been GAWD's WILL.