The axles creak and the couplings strain"
Hysteria grips the democratic party
Watching a local station goes to commercial.
In 45 seconds I am informed Scott Brown, who is the democratic party's doppelganger for April 19, 1775, actually wants raped women turned away from hospitals.
Next commercial warns that Scott Brown is supported by the same extremists that support Sarah Palin (you know, the TEA PARTY FRINGE)
Brown then gets the third commercial talking about how absurd are the claims being made against him
Ed Schultz(MSNBC) advises cheating by voting multiple times. Thus proving the Alinsky-ism about success being the ultimate ethic, and giving social and economic justice a new meaning.
I tell you what, if I lived in Massachusetts I'd try to vote 10 times.
I don't know if they'd let me or not, but I'd try to. Yeah, that's
right. I'd cheat to keep these bastards out. I would. 'Cause that's
exactly what they are.
Democratic national officials scramble to void the possible republican victory by circulating plans to either delay Brown's certification, or using reconciliation (51 votes required, not 60) to get around due process in the Senate since Obamacare is obviously too important for such silliness.
This morning we see that Scott Brown's campaign has now filed CRIMINAL CHARGES against Coakley for her claims about what he believes.
Finally the scene is so over the top, fake republican commercials appear mocking the real democratic ones, along with columns informing that Brown rips off the heads of young tender children to drink their blood.
Between programs here in Massachusetts, there is NOTHING but anti Brown, and Brown. Coakley has nothing but negative campaigning.
And here it's NOTHING but the election.
So one is forced to wonder, WHAT IS COMING AS NOVEMBER APPROACHES?
What incredible, play for keeps claims, lies, and tactics are going to be forthcoming as these people vilify, demonize and dehumanize their opponents making themselves into the 'bastards' they fear and pushing them into becoming them to win.
Are any of the people driving this clattering train thinking ahead to what the new landscape will be?
Republicans versus Democrats is not the gestapo black leather coats goons, versus the green-olive clad KGB commissar's knock at 4 AM, but that's where one side is driving it by being so SELF RIGHTEOUS.
One is tempted to believe that they HAVE seen that ahead, and they BELIEVE given a choice in that way, the people will choose green.
Start heating up the tar, I'll get the chickens and torches.
BTW EVERY SINGLE POLL now shows Brown leading with 3 - 15%
On Jan 2, she lead by 17%.
Something is happening.
Something real.
Maybe it's that TEA PARTY FRINGE.
You just know some people's consciousness MUST believe it, that NASCAR addicted, gun rack pick up, bible clenching, beer swilling, wife beater wearing, bowling on saturday nite, consipiracy theory believing, survivalist whacko, bass fishing, turkey frying, fried dough eating, nearly high school graduating, pregnant at 15, cousin marrying, n*gger hatin', rabbit shootin', nose pickin', Jerry Springer appearing, FRINGE.
Hey, that's the image I identify with, don't y'all? I gotta go now, my sister shure is purdy.
How best to steal the election from Brown and the people of Massachusetts? Absentee ballots.
Huge Surge in Absentee ballots
". . .“In the beginning, even the applications that went out and the requests that came were minimal amounts,” said Maria Tomasio, the chairwoman of the New Bedford Elections Department Board of Commissioners. “But now between the beginning of the week and today … all of a sudden there was a huge surge.”. . ."
Interesting, since -
Deadline for absentee ballots in Massachusetts was Dec. 30
". . .The last day to register to vote, change one’s voting address or political party affiliation for the Jan. 19 election is Dec. 30.
The Election Department, Room 241 at Boston City Hall, will be open until 8 p.m. that evening to accommodate prospective registrants and those wishing to make changes. Those who wish to register or make changes by mail should make sure that their request is postmarked no later than Dec. 30. Massachusetts Law does not allow these changes to be made via e-mail. . . ."
Al Frankens Part duex?
A close election would ensure a machine approved Democrat stays in office long enough to cast the deciding vote for Obamacare.
"The last day to register to vote, change one’s voting address or political party affiliation for the Jan. 19 election is Dec. 30."
Change political party affiliation? What a weird voting system. At least in the UK we don't have to register any political party affiliation & can decide who to vote for in the polling booth.
As for dirty political ads . . WTF!! I'm glad we don't have them in the UK.
Yeah, we know that. And the clerk at my town hall was giving people the hairy eyeball over the absentee ballots when I went in to double-check my voting status. Though the couple ahead of me did get one. (I'm voting Tuesday, it's just down the street.)
That 96.9 ad is hilarious.
It's about time Scott did something about that misleading ad, though why he didn't jut air a public statement specifically refuting it I don't know. I've had to save at least one vote for him by explaining that the religious hospitals are exempt ONLY if they refer the victim to a nearby hospital for treatment. (Which I think is still a bridge too far. Would they exempt Muslim-run hospitals from treating Jews? We're talking emergency rooms here.)
Meanwhile, yesterday the North Shore sounded like one big traffic jam with people honking for the Scott Brown stand-outs with signs in every town. I stopped for lunch at the Agawam Diner and some old guy on the way out the door told everyone to vote for Brown.
The only way the Dems are going to win this thing is to steal it.
The Brown campaign's press conference about the lawsuit explains the whole thing very clearly. It will be interesting to see what the other side does between now and Tuesday morning.
Ray, the party affiliation changes only pertain to primary elections. It's so you can't register Republican and then go vote in the Democratic Primary to determine who runs. I think I've changed affiliations about 3 times in the past 10 years before I decided the Repubs were the only ones who were realistically going to make a difference.
Thanx for that revereridesagain. The US system is a mystery for me but it does give the people the chance to choose their leader - even if they do get it wrong.
I sometimes think we should allow paid for political advertising but when I see the US version I think not.
"that NASCAR addicted, gun rack pick up, bible clenching, beer swilling, wife beater wearing, bowling on saturday nite, consipiracy theory believing, survivalist whacko, bass fishing, turkey frying, fried dough eating, nearly high school graduating, pregnant at 15, cousin marrying, n*gger hatin', rabbit shootin', nose pickin', Jerry Springer appearing, FRINGE."
Oh, this is a role call, then.
('ceptin' y'all fergittin' the bad or no teeth part. . .)
an' the banjo pickin'. . .
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