Sunday, March 14, 2010

American jihadist persuaded his Yemeni guard to unshackle him so they could pray together, then snatched his gun and killed him

I always thought it was dangerous that we have so many Muslims in Security positions, in prisons, at airports, etc.

Who knew it was dangerous to Muslims themselves?


Damien said...
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Damien said...


The Jihadist, probably didn't even consider the guard to be a true Muslim. As far as he was probably concerned, if you help infidels, you are one. If you think about it, this wasn't really surprising at all. How many Jihadists would consider someone belonging to a group like "Muslims Against Sharia," to be genuine Muslims? Jihadists don't regard everyone raised as a Muslim, or who calls themselves a Muslim to be a Muslim, especially if they are enlightened, secular, don't support theocracy and regard the Koran as metaphorical, and not literal in nature.

Pastorius said...

But, the guy is Muslims. He would not have taken off the cuffs for a Christian to pray.

He demonstrated faith in his fellow Muslim.

Damien said...


The guard may well have been a Muslim, but that doesn't mean that the Jihadists saw him as one. For one thing, the very act of him being captured by held by the guy may have convinced him that the guard was not a true Muslim. The fact that he demonstrated his faith to his fellow Muslim, may not have convinced Mobley that the guard was a Muslim. As far as he may have been concern, the gaurd was a hypocrite, who only pretended to be Muslim. Mobley was probably angry at the guy for not helping him escape and joining the Jihad.

Epaminondas said...

Those who interfere with a muslim's individual responsibility to fight in the way of allah, are not muslims ...including Yemenis.