Sunday, March 07, 2010

CBC replaces Adam Gadahn news clip with Bear Doc.

The CBC TV (Canada) has just announced the capture of Adam Gadahn, al Qaeda spokesman. It came as the number three story in the line-up, and was instantly deleted from public broadcast, replaced with a short documentary on polar bears dying in the Arctic. But I saved the original as sent. Heads will roll in Toronto.


revereridesagain said...

Dag, looks like they replaced yours with Martha and the Vandellas. Much better.

midnight rider said...

News reports are kinda all over the place on this right now. ABC seems to have pulled their story, MSNBC is going with it cautiously, Spencer says it's wrong, L.A. Times says it's so. So I think it's still wait and see though I tend to believe they got it wrong.



Dag said...

I just got in an see that the story is not as we had hoped; but the video is Big Wow! I hope to repost it soon, in the happy event that we catch others and more of the bad guys.

Till then, let's keep dancing, if only for the sake of the practice.

Dag said...

Oh, did that badly.

I was joking that the first CBC video, of Martha an the Vandellas, was their news clip of the capture of Gadahn, immediately replaced with "good news" from the Leftists at the state news media, CBC, about anti-American ecologism. That heads would roll is me being too clever: that execs at CBC would be angry at the news of Gadahn being captured, going sjs on the one who posted the Martha vid.

I love the video. Hope that was at least worth the time.