Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Congress: Deconstructing America Piece by Piece

Currently, Nancy Pelosi and her gang are working overtime to impose their socialist medicine scheme onto an unwilling nation. Recently, they have also demonstrated their contempt for American and Western Civilization by having an Israeli hating, Islamist imam - Abdullah Antepli - from Duke University conduct the opening prayer for the House on 3 March.
WASHINGTON -– The silence in the great hall of the Congress was deafening as imam Abdullah Antepli started delivering the opening prayer for the House of Representatives on Wednesday, March 3.

"Asalam alaikum… peace be with you," Antepli, the Muslim chaplain at Duke University, told the attendees who stood and bowed their heads in respect.

"O God of all nations, look with favor upon this esteemed Congress. Guard these important decision-makers with your divine light," he said.
The "God of all nations" is Allah whose will is for all to submit to Mohammed's Iron Age cult. Those mindless fools who bowed their heads to an Moslem iman are either too stupid to understand the meaning of their act of Submission, or they don't care and are happy to submit to whoever promises to kill American liberty.
"Be the source of strength and comfort. Enable them to serve you and glorify your names by serving the citizens of this great nation and to the entire humanity regardless of their gender, ethnicity or religion."
Ah, such a nice PC inclusive prayer. Except that one "serves" Allah by imposing Sharia Law upon all "regardless of their gender, ethnicity or religion."
"The news that a Muslim imam is delivering opening prayer for the Congress came as a breath of fresh air," says Antepli.
As my friend Marc pointed out, Islam is "fresh" while Western Civilization is stale.
"It lifted some of the burden off the hearts and minds of many Muslims who have been wounded by post 9/11 realities in the US."
As always with the Religion of Narcissism, its all about their alleged "burdens." You'll note the zero concern that this imam has for the continuing attacks upon Americans - on American soil - committed by his co-believers in the name of Jihad, which is an integral part of making infidels submit to the "God of all nations." No, his only interest is on how Moslems have been supposedly "wounded" by America's minimal and largely ineffectual efforts in defending herself from vicious and unprovoked attacks committed in the name of his religion.

Nor does he have any concern for the murder and mayhem performed in the name of "Allah" that occurs throughout the world - such as in Nigeria. Most of the wars and human rights violation happening today are committed in the name of Islam. On this point, alleged "moderates" such as Antepli, have no comment. Their only problem is when the victims of Jihad attempt to fight back.

Exhibit A on this score is a report from Campus Watch on a "Gaza Teach-in" that Antepli addressed, which speaks for itself.
I'd placed my greatest hope for hearing a balanced presentation on Abdullah Antepli. Surely, I thought, Duke would not hire as its first Islamic chaplain a man who would support apologists for Hamas's culture of death. (Not that anybody at the teach-in specifically defended children dressed as suicide bombers, of course; such unpleasant details were simply ignored.) Moreover, Antepli portrays himself as somebody "in the Muslim community who [has] been trying to build bridges between Jews and Muslims."

Alas, I was wrong. Behind the charm and ecumenical collegiality, Antepli appeared fully complicit with the views of Bar-On and El-Haddad. He did little to disguise his animosity toward the state of Israel, which, he said, "has been very destructive in many, many aspects...from its very beginning."

He employed Jewish teachings to attempt a critique of Israel: "Gaza," he said, "is another very fine example of Israel...failing miserably to project Jewish compassion" and "failing miserably to uphold Jewish ethical law standards." He continued, "As a state, Israel is shooting herself in the foot and pumping into the hearts and minds of millions of people anti-Semitism."
In other words according to this Islamist, Jews should march quietly into the gas chambers without making a fuss. Because if they attempt to defend themselves against the genocidal Jihadists who surround them, they are "failing miserably to uphold Jewish ethical law standards." Of course, this walking garbage Antepli had nothing to say on whether Hamas, Hizballah, the PA, Fatah and all the rest are upholding Islamic "ethical law standards," probably for good reason.

Antepli, and his comrades, must have had a good laugh on yet again pulling a fast one on ignorant dhimmis. As for Congressman David Price (D-NC) who engineered Antepli's appearance before Congress, I'm not going to let him off as being simply stupid. The Democratic Party, and the Left that control it, are always happy to jump into bed with America's sworn enemies. It's who they are.

Crossposted at The Dougout

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