Sunday, March 07, 2010

Did Pentagon Shooter Bedell Say Something Before Opening Fire?

Check out this posting over at Creeping Sharia. Excerpt:
When the initial report of the Pentagon shooting from ABC appeared, it noted that one of the officers heard the shooter utter something:
Police said that he may have uttered something before opening fire, but what he said was unclear.
Most reports now simply state he did not say a word. Why the change? What might he have said?

A Twitter post revealed that John Patrick Bedell had an account on SourceForge containing “Jihad code.” Looking at the account of jpbedell – he used the Arabic term “inshallah” or “God willing,” using Arabic font – “إن شاء الله” – on more than one page. Here are screenshots from the website and project named “openinsurgent.”
Click here to see the screenshots and to read the rest.


Anonymous said...

cartoon representation for this thread

Caption reads:

"Looking at the Evidence, What can you tell us about the shooter's motivations?"

Anonymous said...

The original reports as posted at a variety of blogs and news sites, state:

". . . The man was calm as he approached the officers at the main entrance around 6:40 p.m., Pentagon Police Chief Richard Keevil said at a news conference. The officers asked to see his pass to enter the building; he started shooting without saying a word.

Paterico stated:
". . .The suspect, believed to be a U.S. citizen, walked up to a security checkpoint at the Pentagon in an apparent attempt to get inside the massively fortified Defense Department headquarters, at about 6:40 p.m. local time. “He just reached in his pocket, pulled out a gun and started shooting” at point-blank range, Keevill said. “He walked up very cool. He had no real emotion on his face.” The Pentagon officers returned fire with semiautomatic weapons.". . .

“He reached into his pocket and they assumed he was going to get out his pass and he just started shooting,” Keevil said. The officers were only “grazed” and immediately fired back." . . ."

Washington Post
". .."About 6:40 tonight, a person came (to) the Pentagon . . . area . . . (and) appeared to be pretty calm. As the officers started to ask him for his pass . . . he drew a weapon from his pocket and started shooting. . . . He did not say anything." . . ."

At the time, there was also a second suspect scrutinized:

2nd person scrutinized in Pentagon subway shooting but it turns out the second individual was not a suspect

Witness heard "pop" as Pentagon Shooter . . .
Dan Namisi second man swept up in the investigation because of cut on hand sustained when he dropped to the ground upon hearing pop

Alexander Münch said...

===" Did Pentagon Shooter Bedell Say Something Before Opening Fire? "===


Why is it so important to know if the Shooter said "Insha'Allah" of "BabAllah" before opening fire?

Why wasn't he shot in the head on the spot and left on the ground gasping for air and waiting for a semitrailer to run him over !

I don't undersand you, Gringos!



midnight rider said...

You don't LOOK like Eli Wallach. . .