Monday, March 22, 2010

The Horrors of Islam in Nigeria

From Vlad Tepes Blog:

Approximately 140 million people inhabit Nigeria, the most populated country in Africa. The country is divided by ethnic and religious differences. 60% of the population is Muslim living mostly in the North of the country. Christians mainly inhabit the South. The introduction of the Sharia law 10 years ago in 12 states provoked a series of riots throughout the country. In August 2004 the Islamic government in the Zamfara state threatened to demolish all churches considered as illegal structures, close all businesses belonging to Christians during Muslim prayers, and enforce a new law against clothing that is not compliant with Islamic law.

This 13-minute documentary considers the situation of the relations between the Catholic Church and Islam in northern Nigeria today, the tensions, the difficulties to be overcome, and efforts at reconciliation.

1 comment:

christian soldier said...

BRAVE Christians--and ---what are our leaders doing about the persecution of our Sisters and Brothers?---I know- I ask the same question all of the time!!