Sunday, March 07, 2010

London Islamists Rail Against 'Fags' - Advocate Death Penalty

The fruits of "multiculturalism"...

“Values of Moderation and Tolerance”- Harry's Place

They said “what is the Islamic position [on homosexuality]?” And I told them. Put my name in the paper. The punishment is death. And I’m not going to change this religion.

Meanwhile, Bay Area (San Francisco) Muslims Attempt To Kill Fags:

But remember: Pat Robertson is the one who really threatens gays. An update on this story. Sharia Alert from San Francisco: "Hayward Men Out On Bail After Admitting They Came To SF To Shoot Gay Folks," from SF Appeal, March 5 (thanks to David):

Three Hayward men are scheduled to be arraigned on assault and hate crime charges in San Francisco next week for allegedly shooting a man they thought was gay with a BB gun.

The Feb. 26 incident took place at about 10 p.m. outside a Mission District bar at 16th and Guerrero streets, according to police.

The 27-year-old San Francisco man had just come out of the bar when he was shot once in the cheek by suspects in a nearby car, which then drove off, police spokesman Officer Samson Chan said.

The man was not seriously injured and called police, and while officers were interviewing him outside the bar, he spotted the same vehicle again driving by, Chan said.

Police pulled the car over and found three men inside with a "rifle-style" BB gun and a video camera, which investigators later discovered had recorded the shooting, according to Chan.

The three men, Shafiq Hashemi, 21, Sayed Bassam, 21, and Mohammad Habibzada, 24, the driver, were arrested.

According to Chan, they allegedly admitted to the crime.

"The suspects did make a confession, basically stating that they came to San Francisco to target gay people," he said....


Alexander Münch said...

"Pastorius" to the right - "Midnight" to the left !...

Trencherbone said...

There's one aspect of Islamic sexuality that isn't understood or discussed in the West, and that is man/boy sex.

Although man-on-man sex is a sin, man-on-boy sex is regarded as normal and natural and everybody does it, the reason being that beardless boys aren't classed as male.

95% of Pakistani truckers regularly have sex with boys, and in some parts of Dar al-Islam keeping little boys as sex slaves (bacha bazi) is a status symbol.

There is an attempt to cover up this aspect of Islam, with references to Islamic man on boy sex being removed from Wiki.

This Islamic practice needs more publicity in the blogosphere.

Pastorius said...

You got that right.

Anonymous said...


I'm always screaming about Wiki. Good to see others are aware as well. Muslims dominate it in anything that deals with Islam and proactively sell their cult there. Anyone, if you have the time, read and challenge some of the articles! Letters to Wiki's editors/owners are also a worthy action.