Sunday, March 07, 2010

That might even be true, but these guys are INFINITELY MORE STUPID AND IDEOLOGICAL

{{w|Eliot Spitzer}}, "New York State Atto...
Salon's Joan Walsh grasping for something, somewhere, somehow the visible desperation increases:

Are 2010 Dems as corrupt as the 2006 GOP?

Of course not. But the media seems to be buying the GOP's false equivalence

I predicted Wednesday that Republicans and the mainstream media would soon have a new but typically simplistic partisan line: that recent scandals involving Democratic Reps. Eric Massa and Charlie Rangel and New York Gov. David Paterson would make 2010 what 2006 was for Republicans -- the year voters punished the party for its corruption. Throw in oldies but goodies like former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, both Democrats, and I foresaw an avalanche of 2006-2010 comparisons. And I was right.

Before I attack that false equivalence, let me make clear: I'm not defending these Democrats
Lady, don't you get the picture? In terms of corruption THERE'S NO DIFFERENCE. It is only the ideologies where some differences exist. Right now, neither feel the center and both claim it. But the difference is that the media CONVINCED the people that Bush was hopeless. And now cannot convince the people that Obama isn't.

Washington is NEVER going to get cleaned up under present circumstances. Maybe it was never any different. After all, the word SHODDY came about because of the Lincoln Admin's corrupt contracts for Union Army shoes.

Any politician who promises a different Washington should be tarred and feathered RIGHT THEN. WHat they should promise is that those corrupt will at least seek money and not power. That those CAUGHT will be severly trashed and fired, then prosectued and that it is a VIGILANT public's responsibility to smoke out and hold up for public account people like the Foley, Massa, Rangel, and Cunningham.

Thus we can see thru the very nature of humans with power, thru this lens of BIPARTISAN CORRUPTION, that a more powerful govt will never solve our problems by govt intervention, but simply use that increased power to do the minimum possible while enriching themselves and their friends, and worst of all try to increase their power as well.


That's simply the way it is.

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