Tuesday, April 06, 2010

EDL Scenes from the Front: Leading the March

From Atlas Shrugs:


EDL Rally: [4/5/2010 10:01:06 PM] Trevor Kelway: This is the Russian girl who did the short speech in Russian to support the families of those who have died in recent suicide attacks. She wanted to lead the march.

I thought my readers should see more of what actually happened at the EDL rally.

Sareeta, a British Indian Sikh girl and her friend, who was of Caribbean appearance immediately made it clear that the English Defence League was not formed as an organisation which discriminated against individuals from an ethnic background other than English. Surprisingly there are still some narrow minded individuals and groups around in this day and age who will attempt to smear an organisation with these accusations for political gain, even though they know the accusations to be false. Also, Guramit gave a speech, and there was also a speech by a young girl with family in Russia. She gave her speech in Russian as a message of support for the recent Muslim Metro suicide bombings. Sareeta's speech, and the young girls speech can be found here.

EDL Supporters are pelted with Bricks and Bottles

EDL Supporters are pelted with Bricks and Bottles

Unfortunately, whilst Sareeta was giving her speech, a mob had approached a corner of the cage surrounding us and started to throw bricks and bottles at us. This caused a surge towards the area, and the missiles were thrown back. Police officers outside the cage did nothing. They stood idly by as we were pelted with a barrage of missiles. This was the moment when some members of our group proceeded to shake the fences down in an attempt to chase the offenders away. We were completely defenceless from inside this makeshift cage, and though we do not condone violence, self defence is the right of every human being. As i mentioned , the police stood and did nothing from outside the cage, and left our stewards to attempt to diffuse the situation. Eventually the fences came down, and at this point the police officers who were standing at the safety of the exterior of the cage appeared to run away! Our stewards did a fantastic job at calming the crowd and containing them in the designated area alone, and as you can see by the video, no major disruption was caused.

Robert Spencer has more on the latest subterfuge to infiltrate the EDL.

EDL rejects white supremacists, neo-Nazis trying to infiltrate

Here is a message from English Defense League leader Tommy Robinson, further belying charges that the group is racist, neo-fascist, neo-Nazi, etc. "Extreme Far Right Nationalists Trying To Recruit EDL": EDL rejects white supremacists, neo-Nazis trying to infiltrate


cjk said...

The supposed anti-Fascists always seem to be the ones who engage in Fascist behavior. This has become a worldwide phenomenon, not just something in Britain.
Good is the new bad and bad is the new good.
Some of this stuff would be incredible if it weren't actually happening.
There is a spiritual aspect to all of it that ties it all together.
How do hordes of brainless British youth join together in violence with people who desire to be their merciless masters???
'Woe to those who call evil good and good evil' Isaiah

Pastorius said...

I put your comment in the sidebar under IBA Quote of the Day.

Anonymous said...

That iconic photo of the Russian child leading the EDL demonstration would have don the cover of multiple glossy magazines of decades past.

Will any msm pick up that photo/story in pro-western context?

MSM blindness inflicted by intentional ignorance instituted through PC opiate of Multiculturalism bequeathes unprecedented horrific nightmares of Muhammedan proportions to all future generations.

abdooss said...

A fleeing Taliban, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghanistan desert when he saw something far off in the distance.
Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the object, only to find a little old Jewish man at a small stand selling ties.
The Taliban asked, 'Do you have water?'
The Jewish man replied, 'I have no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They are only $5.'
The Taliban shouted, 'Idiot! I do not need an over-priced tie. I need water! I should kill you, but I must find water first!'
'OK,' said the old Jewish man, 'it does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie and that you hate me. I will show you that I am bigger than that. If you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a lovely restaurant. It has all the ice cold water you need. Shalom.'
Muttering, the Taliban staggered away over the hill. Several hours later he staggered back, almost dead.' Your friggin' brother won't let me in without a tie!

Pastorius said...

It's a funny joke.

Now, as a recall you are a Malay. Have you ever met a Jewish person?

I have never met a Malaysian person. Or, if I did, I didn't know they were Malaysian. Probably thought they were Indonesian, Thai, Cambodian, or like my wife, Filipino.

Because I have never met any Malaysian people, I know nothing of their characteristics.

Because I know nothing of their characteristics, I don't tell jokes about Malaysian people.'

Somehow, Jewish people have become so "well-known" around the world, that people tell jokes about Jewish people when they have never even laid eyes on a Jewish person in real life.

And, there are almost twice as many people in Malaysia as there are Jews in the entire world.

That's interesting, isn't it?

abdooss said...

Were you the one who said Muslims don't have a sense of humor?
(Not you? My apologies, then)

The Joke is on the Taliban, actually. :) Take it easy, man.

abdooss said...

I've just gone through you past postings and i found these ;
"..You know, I started this blogging gig out of my concern for Jews. The media-manufactured "Jenin Massacre" was appalling to me, so I thought I would take my message to the world, and people would listen." (your posting in Dec 2009)
I'd like to apologize if it seemed I was making fun of the Jews.

Pastorius said...

Don't worry about it.

I get that the joke doesn't have the same cultural ring to it as it would to a person here in the USA.

abdooss said...

Now I understand why Mahathir is not on your list of decent leaders ; because he keeps blaming the Jews etc.

Pastorius said...
