Sunday, April 18, 2010

Egypt: cleric speaks about women

So romantic:
Using stories from the early days of Islam to support his argument (complete video inside), Al-Sawsawi said that when there are marital problems, ‘the solution is to give the man a free hand to discipline his family members and to control them. By no means can a woman be the head [of the family].’”
– “In the sermon, aired January 7, 2010 on the Egyptian Islamic channel Al-Nas TV, Al-Sawsawi recounted the story of Said Ibn Al-Musayyib, a 7th-century Muslim scholar known for his piety, who married off his daughter to his student, Abu Wada’. Al-Musayyib imparted to his son-in-law advice on how to deal with his new wife: ‘If she bothers you – if something annoys you, or if you suspect anything – beat her on the spot with the rod. Break her head.’”
– “He continued with another story – that of Asmaa, the daughter of the Caliph Abu Bakr, whose husband Zubeir would tie her to his other wife by their hair and beat them both. When Asmaa complained to her father about this unfairness, (’he beat me black and blue, even though I didn’t do a thing”), Abu Bakr’s response was: ‘Go back to Zubeir. He is a good man, and he may become your husband in Paradise.’”
– “Al-Sarsawi blamed modern media  – television and the movies – for fomenting ‘a revolution in domestic leadership,’ such that today ‘in many homes, the woman is the man. She tells her husband what to do, and he says: ‘Yes, ma’am.’” He warned that handing over the leadership to women, who “cannot drive a car, let alone head a home, or anything beyond that,’ is destroying Muslim homes.”
– “Al-Sarsawi also lashed out at women’s rights supporters, saying that they hate women and “bring them down to sin.” He said that women who go out to work expect equality and want to discuss everything – with the result that the home is turned “into a parliament.” “Women’s rights supporters in Europe and America are all swindlers,’ he said.”

People like this must be the reason why Tari Ramadan considers that Islam has been a champion of women's rights...

Cross-posted from T&P.
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Damien said...

Yet this guy thinks that we hate women. Yeah the people who support women's rights hate women and the men who beat women love them. These people are depraved.

Epaminondas said...

Hey wimmin, stay out trouble and stay home making tuna fish sandwiches.

Be appreciative and submissive.

Wear Aubade while you wait for and prepare yourself for us.

We don't mind if you are educated, provided you educate yourselves in the correct arts

Oh and be happy


Pastorius said...

I love it when they tell us what they think. It's awesome.

Damien said...


Usually whenever a Jihadist is honest it hurts their cause, and sometimes they probably don't even realize it.

Claudia said...

@Damien: Depraved. Yes, that's the word. The worst thing is that he surely is believed by many people including some women...

@Epaminondas: Or Else... Ever the punishment, isnt' it? I don't believe any intelligent woman could be happy staying with this @#€#@ man. Just beat her whatever she does or just because you suspect that she could have done it.

What a model of justice!!

@Pastorius: yes, that's good. ;) It's also nauseating that this guy can say things like that on TV, without being critisized and punished. :(

Pastorius said...

I think you're right. And, therein lies the humor. They tell us what they really think. They think they are winning us over to their cause, but in reality, they are damaging themselves, making fools of themselves for all to see.